Chapter 35- 4th of July

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  I was in my bed scrolling through my phone looking at what other people were up to online, I sigh and then press the power button putting my phone down onto the bedside table. I sigh and then pull my blanket up closing my eyes, then I hear a loud boom. I open my eyes "What the hell?" I say as I sit up and get out of bed, I walked out of my room into the hall way flicking the light switch to turn the lights on and I walk into the living room to see the windows open with Izuku, Kaminari and Kirishima sitting in front of them while Katsuki was laying on the couch with his phone in hand. "W-hats with the explosion sounds?" Katsuki glances at me and then back at his phone and Kaminari looks back at me with a smile "Their setting off fireworks for 4th of July" I let out an irritated sigh as I heard the explanation of the loud noise, "I didn't realize it was already July.." I mumbled as Kaminari looked back at the window. Kirishima looked over to me and made a toothy smile "Would you like to watch the fireworks?" I smiled at him then looked at the window "I mean it's a pretty big window, but I don't think there's that much room for me to sit.." Kirishima looked next to him and then stared at the floor for a second and then looked back up at me, "You could sit in my lap if ya want."

  I felt my cheeks warm up. "I uh, sure" I turned off the lights and then walked over to the window and sat in Kirishima's lap, he smiled and wraped his arms around me "Your supper worm y/n" I hummed as the fireworks went off in the sky, colors Wight, blue, and red, some yellow, some big some small. There was a firework that was particularly bigger than the others. I covered my ears a bit as the loud sound from the fireworks boomed, I jumped a bit then put my hands back down "I quite like the bigger ones that look like, yellow pomp pomp's?" I looked at Kiri and smiled "They're the quietest too.." Kirishima nodded and then looked back out the window. 'I guess this isn't so bad, having other people with me..' I smiled and relaxed in Kirishima's embrace. I noticed someone move next to me and I looked over to see Katsuki sitting right next to us looking out the window. I put my hand on his and looked back at the window. I felt him move his hand on top of mine and then a tiny spark from his palm on the top of my hand, I smiled and closed my eyes sighing.

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