Chapter 6- y/n's work time

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*(Y/N)s POV*

Walking into the cafe with only a few minutes to spare I see that my boss was getting tables ready and looks over to me "Well hello Y/N go ahead and get some pastries on some of the tables would you?" I nod my head and go to the back to grab the pastries, taking off my hood and putting it onto a bench in the staff room. I pulled out a box of fresh pastries and brought them out to the tables, setting two pastries on each table. The cafe started to smell delicious, I couldn't wait until the end of the shift so I could bring home some pastries for Bakugou and Kirishima. I sit down as I watch snow fall outside the window, the weather is beautiful (Well when it's outside and I'm in) but still beautiful.

Then I hear the bell on top of the doorway gingle, I stand up as the customer sits down and he watches me as I walk over to him. "Good evening sir, what would you like for today?" I say as I bow slightly and look at him, he has blue intense eyes and dirty blonde hair, he smiles and looks me up and down, I force a smile as I hold back the temptation to hit him upside the head. He looks into my eyes and says "I'll have a Mocha please." I gave him a slight nod and walked to get him his drink, I grabbed the drink and just stood there for a bit. I don't really want to go back, He gives me a bad and uneasy feeling. I turned around and headed back to the table. I put the Mocha on the table "anything else sir?" He chuckled, "can you sit and stay for a bit?" God damnit this job! "sure can sir" I sit down across from him the table wasn't long enough to keep him from touching me though.. he put his hand on my thigh, I flinched at the sudden touch, I don't say anything though i (t's nothing to complain about, I'm just overeating) he smiles, it's so twisted, I get up bow and excused myself to the bathroom (I feel sick..) I rush to the bathroom and.. I threw up, one of the other staff walked in on me getting up while shaking, she called for the cafe owner and I got sent home. I went to the back and grabbed my hood and put it on. "I don't want anyone else seeing me like this.. no one I know." I looked for some pastries for the guys back at home and found 5 extra. I grabbed them and put them into a to-go box and left saying goodbye to my boss and thank you to the employee that found me.

*Kirishima's POV*

After y/n left Bakugou was staring into space in the living room- mostly because y/n well, hugged him on their way out, I don't think it was intentional but he was a little spaced out about it he didn't know what to think. I was just in the living room with him watching something on the TV because why not? I looked over to Bakugou who still looked like he was having some time of a breakdown. I Kinda felt bad "hey you alright bro?" He looks at me "I'M PERFECTLY FINE SHITTY HAIR!" I just look close my eyes as he starts to yell "WHY HELL WOULDN'T I BE!?" I look at him "well you've been quite quiet ever since y/n left, well until now anyways." He looked shocked and turned away hiding the fact that he was blushing, but I could see it, especially because it reached his ears. We just sat there in silence, well we were until y/n came back from work..

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