Chapter 30- Kirishima's Question

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Few days later

  I looked up as I heard a few taps on the door "Come on in!" I say as I put my book down on the bed and sit up, I then see Kirishima open the door and smile. He closed the door behind him and then sat next to me on the bed, "I was wondering something" I wrapped my arms around my legs and tilted my head. "Oh? What's on your mined Kiri?" He rubbed the back of his neck and made a little grin, "Well a few days ago when Bakugou was still sick.. I found a little note in the bathroom cabinet." I was quite trying to figure out what he was talking about, he took that as an opportunity to talk up again. "I was wondering why you needed another job?" I thought for a second trying to think about what he was talking about, then I got up and walking into the bathroom and opened the cabinet and a little folded piece of paper fell from the cabinet and landed on the counter I picked it up and went back into the bedroom, "this is what you were talking about?" I said, showing him as I was sitting down.

  He looked at the piece of paper in my hand and then nodded. "Yeah" I opened it and scanned the hand writing, 'yep, I wrote this but..' I looked up and tilted my head back "I don't remember writing this little note." I paused and looked over towards Kirishima. "But thank you for telling me about it Kirishima." I said as I put the paper on the bedside table, he nodded and sat back "I wondered who wrote it then, it looked a lot like your handwriting." I smiled and then nodded. "Yea it did..." I looked toward the small window in the room and zoned out thinking about the little note. Kirishima shook me a bit, breaking me out of my train of thought, and looked over "hm? Need something Kiri?" He smiled a bit and had a bit of a blush on his face. "I was wondering if I could lay on you?" I raised an eyebrow and leaned my head back on a pillow, his cheeks became pinker and he sat up a bit more. "I-I mean like, could we cuddle?" I giggle as I  cupped his face in both of my hands, "you're really cute you 'know Kiri" He melted into my hands and hums "so are you pebble." I smile and put my forehead against his. "Yea, I would love to cuddle with you Kiri" Kirishima smiles and flips himself over and puts his head on my chest, "your really soft y/n.." Kirishima said as his smile softened and closed his eyes, I put my hands on top of his head and played with his spiky hair. 'For spiky hair, his hair is pretty soft. damn his hair might be even more soft than Katsuki's' I closed my eyes a bit and sigh, I continued to play with Kirishima's hair as I slowly started to fall asleep.

 I then hear knocking and then see Katsuki walk into the room, "what the hell are you to-" he stopped mid sentence and just stared at me and Kirishima "So you two decided to cuddle without me?" I gave him a sleepy smile and rubbed my eyes. "Kirishima wanted to cuddle, so I didn't really think to- " He walked over to the bed and laid down next to me and closed his eyes. "Just shut up and let me cuddle with the both of you dumbasses" I smile and pick up his hand and kiss it, "alrighty sleeping beauty, don't let me stop you." He hummed, and I swear I even saw a small smile form on his face. I rested my hand on his and my other on Kirishima's back and closed my eyes.

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(Authors Note)

gezz, sorry for posting slowly and making the last Chapters shorter. just a little hard juggling every thing going on. hope yall stay safe and have a grate rest of you day/night/afternoon!

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