Chapter 38- Swapped Phones

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*Bakugou's POV*

 I walked out the room making sure to close the door behind me, I walked into the kitchen to find a small pile of dirty dishes beside the sink. I sighed and then turned on the fosit water, I started with my dish and then the other dishes, 'huh, I swear there were more dishes last night.. ' I signed and then shook my head. "Less dishes for me to clean.." I muttered under my breath, I then felt someone tap my shoulders "Boo!" I heard Kaminari say I flinched and then turned my head "what the hell Kaminari '' he put up his hands defensively, I turned off the water then put the dish I was cleaning down and turned around to face him. "It was a joke Bakugou! Don't get grumpy over it-" I scowl and push past him drying my hands on a towel, I throw the towel into the hamper and then grab my phone off the table putting in my pocket and my shoes on "where are you goin Bakugou?" I hear Denki say as I open the door. I looked back at him with the same scowl and then turned back around "out" is all I said and closed the door behind me. I walked out the front doors of the apartment, as I looked around outside as I pull out my phone from out of my my pocket I looked down to see a different phone in my hand 'what the hell, swear I picked up my phone..' I turned on the phone to see a picture of me and Kirishima as the lock screen. "Huh, the hell" I thought for a second trying to figure out which phone I grabbed. Turning around soon stopped as I got a call from a contact number with a Pomeranian as in the picture and the name set as.. "Sleeping bi.. FUCKING Y/N"

*(Y/N)'s POV*

 As I stepped into the cafe, I reached into my bag for my phone and pulled out.. 'oh shit I still have Kats phone' I put his phone back into the bag and went to the back of the staff room and took off my hoodie putting it into my cubby as well as my bag I sigh and then hear the staff room door open, "oh hey y/n" I stiffen hearing Nova's voice, I look over to see her looking at me a bit concerned she giggles a bit "is everything ok? You look like you've seen a ghost" ghost? A ghost? Is everything alright? I looked away again as my breath began to sound shaky 'yeah, it's not like you haven't been to work since you called me that night..' I sigh and then put on a smile "yeah I'm fine, where have you been? You've been out of work for a while now.." her smile became smaller and then started to play with her fingers. "Uh- oh yeah, I've just been taking a break you know because of what happened Monday.." I hummed and then nodded, "right, well" I paused took out Katsuki's phone "I have a call to make before work starts" she nods and I step away looking through his contacts for my own which didn't take much effort because my number was pinned to the top with the contact name "y/n (dumbass 2)" I looked at the name for a bit and thought for a second 'if I'm dumbass two, then is Kirishima dumbass, one?' I hummed again and then pressed the call button.

 The phone rang twice before it was answered, before I could get a word in "really? That's the contact name" I laugh a bit to myself remembering what I set as his name "hiii Katsukii, how are youuu" I hear him sigh making me laugh more, "what the hell do you want y/n?" I smiled and sat down. "Well, as you know, our phones are switched and I was just wondering if you would be able to come by and drop it off later when the café is open?" I hear silence and then a click, "yeah sure, I'll come by an hour after the café opens, hell maybe I'll even have something to eat since I'll already be there." I sway side to side and nod, "sure, I'll try to see if I can serve you." Katsuki hums and then sighs, "alright, I'm going for my walk now see you later y/n" I stand up and fix my skirt "see ya Kats" I press the end call button and then turn around to walk over to my cubby to put Katsuki's phone back.

 Nova walks up to me with a smile, "Soo, who's Katsuki?" I jumped a bit when I heard her voice out of nowhere. I turned my head to make eye contact with her "oh, uhm Katsuki is.. one of my roommates." She leaned back on her heels and hummed, "huh, oh really? Has he been here before to visit you at all? Is he attractive" she says, raising her eyebrows. I grumbled a bit and shrugged, "yeah he's been here with my other roommates before, and I dunno, I guess you'll just have to see when he gets here." Nova gasped a bit, "you mean your roommate is coming here today?!" I glance away and then look back over to her, "yeah he said he'd be here around an hour after opening" She gets excited and then does a twirl. "Ok, well I'm excited to meet your roommate y/n" I smiled and then zip up my bag 'when did I say I wanted you to meet him?' I sigh and then walk out of the staff room and go to my section to make sure there are menus on each table. I then check the time 7:00 'well crap where is miss? She's supposed to be here isn't she? it's already 7..' I looked over to the door and then rubbed the back of my neck 'something feels off..'

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