Chapter 43- uhh.. Pizza Dinner!

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 I love Katsuki, trust me I do but I mean sometimes he doesn't have the best time realizing when he's in the wrong, or too stubborn to accept something. And that's what's happening now. "Katsuki'' I said sternly, "No way in hell y/n." Katsuki said as he looked the other way, I started to get aggravated and stepped closer to him holding onto his wrist He attempted to pull his wrist away, but I just tightened my grip and stared at him "Bakugou'' he looked at me with a more concerned look "Ooo, Kachans in trouble with yy/nnn" I hear Kaminari say as I continue to stare back at Katsuki, "Shut up Dunce face!" he says as he looks at Kaminari, I pull on his wrist to make him look back over at me. "Give it back to Izuku Bakugou." He scrunched his nose and walked around me going out the already opened door, I sighed as he stomped down the stairs. "I swear to god he can be so damn stubborn." I muttered sitting down at the dining table, Kaminari smiled as looked from the front door to me, "Well that's our Bakugou, he wouldn't be him if he wasn't so stubborn" I smiled a little and chuckled looking over at the door again, "I guess, I mean he's stubborn but at least he knows he has people that love him, and cares about others he's close to." Kirishima smiles at me as he looks at me from the other side of the table. "I mean, what did he even take from Midoriya?" he asked with an eyebrow raised. I thought for a second and then shrugged, "I dunno, I asked Izuku when he walked out but he didn't really want to talk about it and just sat on the step."

  Kirishima nodded and then looked at the door I looked over at the door to see Bakugou stomp in through the door and then watched him going down the hallway I leaned forward and yelled "DO YOU PAY FOR THAT ROOM YET?!?" I hear a small pop and then an annoyed groan and hear a door open and close, I raised an eyebrow and got up from the chair and looked down the hallway, "He went into the bathroom" I heard a muffled voice say behind me, I turn around to see Izuku walking in through the door heading towards the living room, "oh crap Izuku, you alright you look.." he looked over at me and smiled as he grabbed a blanket off the couch, "don't worry y/n-san I'm just tired" he said as he yawned and sat on the couch. I gave him a soft smile and then turned around and walked to the bathroom door. I knocked on the door and waited for a response, "Kasu, can I come in?" It was just silent and then I heard a knock from the other side, I smiled confused and then opened the door peering into the bathroom to see Katsuki sitting on the floor next to the door. He was just staring down at his feet, I hummed and then slid in through the door and closed the door behind me as I sat on the floor in front of him. He continued to look down at the floor without even a glance at me, I tilted my head looking into his eyes, "Hey what's up Katsu? What's... bothering you?" he glanced around the room and shook his head. "Katsuki, what's wrong? Why were you so upset to give back something to Izuku?" He shook his head again and the looked up at me, "its nothing for you to worry about y/n" I clicked my tongue and sighed, "But it does Katsuki, it does, all of you need to learn how to get the fuck along because this apartment is really small for 5 fucking people and if we don't want to end up killing each other, we have to learn to be honest, or at least fucking civil with each other.." He sat up and hummed.

  I gave a small smile and moved over to sit next to him, he just looked over to me and then back in front of him. I sighed again and then rubbed his back a bit, he moved away from me, "I'm fine just leave it y/n." I raised my hand and then stood up, "Almost dinner, you want a pick in what we eat for dinner Katsuki?" He shook his head, I hummed and then slipped out the door again. I walked out into the living room where the other guys were. I pick up my phone off the coffee table, "I was thinking takeout, I'm not really in the mood to cook and the only other person that I know can cook is currently unavailable. So what do you wanna order?" they all thought for a second and Kaminari snapped and then looked over at me."We should get some pizza, it's been awhile since we've had pizza." I smiled and turned my phone on, and then I looked back up, "What kind of toppings?" Kaminari smiled a bit embarrassed "I don't really like any toppings, but I'm really fine with anything." I smiled and looked over at Kirishima and Izuku, "I really like the 'meat lovers' pizza" I smiled and Izuku shrugged and smiled "I don't mind what kind of pizza we get." I nodded and then put in the number for a pizza place. 'I'll just get a meat lovers and a cheese, sense we don't really got a vote.'

  After the pizza arrived I paid the delivery and then brought them both back inside the apartment, I put both of the pizza boxes on the dinner table. Kaminari and Kirishima walked up to the table and picked up slices of pizza, I picked up a piece of cheese and meat lovers of pizza and walked over to the bathroom. I knocked on the door and waited for Katsuki to knock back, I opened the door when he did and then I slipped into the bathroom. I sat next to him and offered a piece to him. He looked at the plate and then took a slice, I smiled and took the other biting it. "We going to talk or just sit here and eat?" He shook his head and then took a bite of his slice of pizza "No" he said and then just stared into space. 

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Met You In My World [KiriBaku x Reader] (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon