The lady smiled. "The alpha's younger brother, of course."

Tracy's eyes widen. "I didn't know Dean had a brother. I was told he was an only child."

The lady laughed. "Biologically, he is an only child, but the old alpha found the poor dear lost in the woods and took him into our home, and despite not sharing the same blood, the young alpha is deeply attached to him and will listen to him without question."

Everyone's eyes narrowed. "Where is he? We would like to speak to him as soon as possible."

The old lady hummed in thought. "If I remember correctly, he is in a human's town that is in the valley. It is spring break, and he wanted to know what all the hullabaloo is. He's always been curious about the outside world. If I'm not mistaken, he's even looking at college brochures, so he can travel away from here. The young alpha is having a hard time letting him go, but won't refuse him."

Ashley flung her wrist. "Yeah, yeah. Very interesting. What does he look like? A couple of us can head down there and ask Jason to take a look while Troy makes his way up here."

The lady humphed. "Just when I was trying to be a Good Samaritan."

Tracy put her hands out. "Please forgive her; she's just worried about her brother is all. Can you describe him for us?"

The lady grinned. "It shouldn't be hard to spot him. He is short, has red hair, honey eyes, and a big appetite. I recommend checking local restaurants first." she heard her name being called. "Excuse me." she left.

"That's weird. She described half of us, except for being short." Roger said.

"You think she's pulling our leg?" Sarah asked her mom.

"I'm not sure, but if there is a chance of her telling the truth, I say we check it out. Maybe even see if the humans may have seen strange things happening in their town. You know how chatty they can be."

Sarah nodded. "Very well. Jacob and I can check it out while you guys stay here. We'll call Jason and meet him there."

Ashley is pouting. "How come I'm not invited?"

Jacob rolled his eyes. "Cause you'll cause trouble one way or another, and we can kiss any signs of getting John out goodbye." She crossed her arms and looked away.

Sarah patted her on the back. "We'll take you down there to celebrate. How's that sound?"

She grinned wide. "Deal."

Eighteen year old Jason waved Troy off in the Cruella De Ville car as he drove away and observed the small town with tourists roaming around. "Okay. Let's see what I can dig up." he said as he walked around asking about a mysterious red head.

After about an hour of searching, he made his way into the local sushi bar. The host greeted him at the entrance. "I'm not here to drink or anything. I'm looking for somebody. He has red hair, honey-colored eyes, is short like me."

The host smiled wide. "That would be that young man over there." He pointed ahead where seventeen year old Christian is happily seated at a table in the corner munching on California rolls.

Jason made his way over to the red head. "Dean's brother?" he asked and he stared at him with rice covering his face.

"Yeah?" He asked.

Jason extended his hand. "My name is Jason, and I am here on behalf of my friends. We need your help." He explained the situation and Christian slammed his hands on the table.

"What? I can't believe the jerk would do that. I'll be sure to talk to him as soon as I get back."

Jason frowned. "You better get going. His trial is in a couple of days thanks to his mother's heritage."

Christian gaped at him. "Really? Well, my ride isn't picking me up for a few days. I guess I can hold off on ordering pizza and hail a cab."

Jason rolled his eyes and grabbed his wrist. "My friend's siblings are on their way, so you can hitch a ride with us."

Christian is struggling in his grip. "Hold on a minute. No need to yank my arm off."

Jason glared at him. "A person's life is hanging in the balance, so I'm sure you can deal with it."

Christian pouted as he's being guided outside where the sun is setting.

"Come, they said they would meet me over there." Jason said as he's tugging Christian along.

"Hold on. I can walk by myself thank you very much." As they were passing by an empty alleyway, a hand grabbed Christian's ankle and is pulling him in roughly causing him to yank Jason's arm off.

A figure squished his head onto the pavement and extended their fangs out as Christian squirms in his grip.

"No! I don't want to die!" Christian tearfully said as he feels the sharp canines sink into his collarbone. "Ah!" he screamed before someone whacked the figure hard enough to let go.

"Pick on someone your own size." Jason threatened and the figure retreated.

Jason bent down to check on the red head. "Are you alright? You're bleeding." He stated as he notices blood seeping out.

"I think so." He said as Jason examines his bite wound.

"Good, now." Jason took his missing limb. "I'll take that." he said making Christian gap at him.

"Really?" Jason ignored him while reattaching his arm back to his body. That's when they hear Sarah and Jacob calling his name.

Sometime later, they are back in the throne room as they treat as well as get the imprint of the culprit's bite.

"Get the attacker's bite mark right away, and release the accused. He can't be the perpetrator if someone attacked my brother." The guards rushed to do as ordered. Dean placed his hand on Christian's shoulders making him wince. "You aren't going out anytime soon. Not until the killer is caught."

"I'm fine bro. I'm in one piece. Thanks to that guy over there." He pointed at Jason who crossed his arms but blushed.

Dean stood and looked at the Dubois family. "I apologize. I should've listened. Can you ever forgive me?"

Tracy looked at everyone then at him. "We shall, but please keep an open mind next time."

He nodded before patting his brother on his injured shoulder making whine. "Let's get you to bed." His beta called to him to talk about something important, and the Dubois family approached him.

"Thank you for your help. We are eternally grateful." Calvin said.

Christian smiled and sparkled. "It was nothing."

Everyone stared at him and Tracy got a whiff of his scent when she was close enough. "It can't be."

That's when Dean came and wrapped his arm around Christian's neck. "Shall we get going?" Christian nodded and hummed as they left.

"Do you think it's him?" Jesse asked.

"It would appear so." Tracy said. "We'll need to have another important talk as soon as this all blows over."

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