Chapter 62 - Never Falter, Never Forsake

Start from the beginning

Before their conversation could continue, Dumbledore approached the Goblet of Fire once more, waved his hand over its mouth, and retrieved the third scrap of parchment it coughed up after another burst of blue flame.

"Cedric Diggory.......The chosen champion of Hogwarts!" He read aloud.

Loud cries of celebratory happiness once again broke out, although the loudest shouts came from those in Hufflepuff house as Cedric Diggory, a handsome boy known for his finesse at Quidditch, stepped forward with a bright grin.

At the High Table, Severus and Lily exchanged glances of relief that neither a Slytherin nor a Gryffindor had been chosen.

"Now, we're even." Hermione whispered to Harriet as they recounted the bets they had made with each other.

Harriet playfully pushed her shoulder as both girls smiled while Draco scowled in disgust.

How many boys were going to be in the tournament anyway?

Would every bachelor be offered to Harriet on a platter while Draco waited in the shadows?

As Cedric walked away, Dumbledore lifted his hands to quiet everyone as he spoke, "These three champions will soon compete in tasks designed to test them morally, emotionally, physically, and-"

Everyone in the Great Hall gasped.

Dumbledore turned around once he heard an odd noise.

Severus scowled.

Lily blinked.

Everyone watched in confusion as the Goblet of Fire filled with different coloured flames in a violent display of bright light before it ended abruptly as another scrap of ordinary parchment was sent forth from its wide mouth.

Dumbledore frowned as he snatched the parchment from the air and mumbled the name scrawled on it, "............Harriet Snape."

Gasps of shock escaped the students and staff present.

"Harriet Snape........?!?!" He shouted incredulously as he looked at the crowd.

Severus and Lily's expressions melted into masks of worried anguish as they threw each other fearful, disbelieving glances.

Startled and confused, Harriet tried to sink down between her friends, but Hermione pushed her onto her feet, "Oh for goodness sake, Harriet! Go!"

Ron furrowed his brow at his best friend as Harriet glanced around, bewildered.

She didn't notice the worried frown on Draco's face as she observed the mixed reactions she received from everyone present.

Surprise, anger, disbelief........

As Harriet approached Dumbledore to take the parchment from his hand, she glanced behind him and met her father's dark, melancholy stare.

The unreadable expression on Severus's pale face failed to provide her much comfort.

"If each chosen champion will please go and wait in the trophy room...." Dumbledore nodded at Harriet, Cedric, Fleur, and Viktor, "The staff will join you there very soon."


Those few minutes in the trophy room seemed like the longest of Harriet's life as she paced while she nervously awaited the adults' arrival.

Cedric, Viktor, and Fleur cast her distrustful stares as they whispered to themselves, careful not to include her in their conversation.

Harriet considered various ways to approach them until a great cacophony of irritated, angry voices rang out as the staff members began to descend the winding stone steps.

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