Chapter 61 - Draco's Plight

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy! Updates every Saturday!

Severus and Lily watched Harriet closely for the rest of the summer.

They were very fortunate her other admirer, Anuman, was such a polite, gentle soul.

Although he sat in plain sight while the girl he loved pranced about her bedroom, sometimes completely nude after she undressed for a shower or while she searched for clean clothes, he always averted his reptilian eyes.

It was doubtful Draco, Fenrir, or Tom would have had the decency to do the same under similar circumstances.

Weeks passed.

Soon, Harriet once again rode the Hogwarts Express back to the castle for another year of magical education.

As the train chugged along its track, she couldn't help but notice what looked like a flying carriage in the distance once her school came into view.

"That's a bit odd, itn't it?" Ron asked as he squinted through the window to peer at the winged, white horses that carried the baroque-looking vehicle.

"What about that?" Harriet asked as she pointed in the distance towards what appeared to be a mast rising out of the Black Lake.

"Is that........Is that a ship?!" Hermione gasped as she narrowed her eyes.

Slowly, the mast rose to reveal a sail, a deck, rudders......

"It looks like a ship." Harriet shrugged.

While Ellery enjoyed pleasant conversation with his Slytherin friends a few compartments down, the Golden Trio exchanged incredulous scowls as they watched the train, the ship, and the flying carriage all head towards the castle.


Severus and Lily sat next to each other at the High Table as the students in the Great Hall chatted amongst themselves, eager to find out more about the strange things they had seen during their journey to school.

The Sorting Ceremony was quickly conducted for the first year students before Professor McGonagall quickly took the stool away as the headmaster approached the wooden podium.

"If I could have everyone's attention for a moment......A moment only!" Dumbledore called with a wave of his hands as the noisy chatter hurriedly silenced, "Many of you may have heard rumors, others perhaps not, but for this academic year, Hogwarts will be hosting The Triwizard Tournament! An ancient competition to distinguish the most talented witches and wizards of our age. Joining us for the next several months are students led by Igor Karkaroff, from the well-respected institution of Durmstrang....." He announced as he raised his hands towards the closed doors of the Great Hall.

Everyone turned just in time to see the doors fly open as a scowling, bearded man stomped into the room, dressed in a heavy, white coat.

Behind him followed a gaggle of sixth and seventh year boys, all dressed in identical brown uniforms.

"Merlin's beard!" Ron gasped as the Golden Trio watched a very serious, broad-shouldered boy with short hair march into the Great Hall.

The boy followed the man in the white coat while his classmates demonstrated their military might through somersaults and the casting of an impressive fire spell.

"What?" Harriet blinked.

"Harriet, don't you know who that is?!" Hermione snapped, "Even I know who that is and I-"

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