Jason and his mother walked to the group of kids playing tag. "Now, apologize and play nice. He is staying with us until everything calms down. Now, we need to figure out a few things, so go play with your sister and cousins."

She gently pushed Jason towards the group and left him sulking. It didn't last long when the little red head was 'It' and chased a few kids and ran into a wall. Jason and his cousins are laughing while Emma checks on him.

"Are you okay?" she asked as he was rubbing his forehead painfully.

Then he sniffed the air. "Fish." He said. Everyone is looking at him funny.

"He's lost it." One of Jason's cousins said. 

The next day, Emma and Jason's mom are trying to teach the red head numbers and letters. "C is for cat. Can you say cat?" Instead of saying cat, he meowed instead. "Close, but no. Cat. C-A-T." Jason's mom is spelling it.

"Meow." The red head repeated making Jason and his cousins snigger.

Emma patted her mom on the back. "Take a break mom. Let me try." She looked at him. "Okay Red. D is for dog. Can you say dog?" Red tilted his head to the side for a moment before growling and barking. Jason's mom face palmed herself.

Emma smiled. "Okay, let's try this. What goes woof-woof?" she asked.

It took a moment before Red said, "Dog. Dog." Jason's mom looked surprised.

Emma nodded. "That's right. Now, E is for."

Before she could say what the word was, Red said, "Emma."

Everyone stared with wide eyes. "Wait, what did you say?"

"Emma. Emma." Red said as he claps happily.

Emma couldn't help squealing in excitement. "My name. He said my name!"

Everyone but Jason smiled. "Big deal." Jason said with his arms crossed.

One of his cousins nudged him. "Are you jealous cause he doesn't say your name? He just says friend."

Jason tsked. "Like I care what he calls me. He never told us his name." he said as he watches Red's eyes twinkle as he's learning more words.

After his lesson, Red and the other kids are playing house. "Okay everybody. Us wives prepared dinner and cleaned the house. Now, the husbands are returning home from work and are going to eat the food we made and like it." Emma said.

Jason looks annoyed. "Why am I 'married' to this annoying red fur ball?"

Emma is giving him the stink eye. "There's more boys than girls okay. Now, get your dinner that your wife made."

He stomped over to Red smiling and sparkling as he presented a mud pie. He pulled a piece off and smirked before shoving the mud in Red's face.

Everyone but Emma is laughing as Red looks with wide eyes. Jason stopped laughing when Red returned the favor and now he has mud on his face. And soon, all the kids are throwing mud at each other. Jason and Red are giggling and having fun as they color each other brown.

Afterwards the kids are getting cleaned up at a hidden pond that the adults found. "My pink dress is ruined." Emma complained as her dress has mud splattered all over it.

"We'll get it washed with soap when we get out of here." Jason said as he's wringing his now tan colored t-shirt. He studied Red as he is wearing no shirt and is happily watching his shirt be submerged underwater.

He rolled his eyes before snatching it. "This is a grown-up shirt. You aren't grown-up yet."

"Jason." Emma is scowling at him. He snorted and is putting his t-shirt on Red.

"There. That's better." He said before putting on Red's wet shirt and buttoning it up. Red is content despite the t-shirt being a size smaller.

Emma has her arms crossed. "You are mean." She said. Jason shrugged his shoulders.

"What can I say? Ack!" he groaned as Red tripped and fell on top of him.

He feels heat radiating off of Red, and when Red smiles and sparkles up close, Jason feels his heart beating fast and is blushing.

"Ha! You're turning red!" Emma snapped him out of it, and he pushed Red aside.

"Shut up!" he snapped. "You would too if this, uh, this weirdo was on top of you." he stuttered making her giggle. Jason stood up and stomped away.

"Friend." Red called, but he kept walking.

Jason is lying down and staring at the ceiling of the cavern. Images of Red smiling and sparkling kept popping into his head. 'What's wrong with me? Why is my heart beating so fast?' He placed his hand over his chest. His thoughts were cut short when he heard the sound of footsteps. "What?"

He snapped when he saw a plate of food being put in his face. He looks to the side to see Red holding it. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Friend eat." Red said as he is offering him the plate. Jason stared at him for a moment before sighing.

"Fine. If it'll make you leave me alone." He took the plate and Red beamed. It made Jason blush as he took tentative bites of food.

"Band! Band!" Red said excitedly.

"Band?" Jason asked. "There's no music around here." His lips twitched upwards. "You sure are weird. I didn't know werewolves acted this way. I guess they are beings with emotions like us. Now, I know not to be intimidated by them."

They hear screeching coming from a distance. "Bats." Jason recognizes the sound.

Much to his surprise, Red pointed up. "Family! Family!" he screamed exuberantly. "Fam!" he was silenced by Jason putting his hand over his mouth.

"Sh. You want them to flock this way?" Red kept mumbling in his hand. "Sh." He repeated and Red narrowed his eyes at him.

"What's with the face? Is your friend starting to annoy you?" he is teasing. "Your cuteness will fade." His eyes widened. "Wait? What?"

He removed his hand and is squishing Red's face. "Hm." Red is whining in his grip making his smile widen. "Maybe being your friend isn't all that bad. Be ready though, for I am going to enjoy picking on you." he said before letting him go. Red is rubbing his crimson cheeks making Jason laugh.

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