Disaster strikes.

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"I needed this." I smile before I give him a loving kiss.
"I'm always here when you need me, for anything." His hands are still caressing my back, I let myself roll off him and with our legs intertwined we fall asleep.

I wake up very early feeling off. My lower back hurts and I just don't feel good. Maybe I've caught a flu or something, I take some paracetamol and go back to bed hoping it will be better when I sleep a bit more. I'm not going to the paddock this morning anyways, so it doesn't matter if I stay in bed longer and take some extra rest. I hope I'll be able to go for the practice sessions this afternoon.

When Daniel wakes up I get out of bed with him for a bit, but I still don't feel good.
"I'll go back to bed once you've left ok. I'll get some rest and I'll try to come this afternoon for the free practice. Maybe it's just the jetlag catching up with me." I say when Daniel tells me he's a bit worried and suggests Michael to stay with me again.

"It's no use for Michael to be here while I'm sleeping. I'll be fine." I kiss him softly. "Besides he needs to be with you today, so just go or you'll be late."
Just as I say that I hear a knock on the door. That's probably Michael and Blake.
Daniel opens the door and I greet them as they walk in.
"Hey Sky, not coming with us yet?" Michael asks me.
"No, I'm going to try to get some extra sleep and hopefully join you guys this afternoon." I answer.

"Well just call one of us if you need to be picked up ok?" Blake says and I nod.
"Will do, now you guys should get going. I'll see you later." I hug both of them feeling worse every minute. "I love you my honey badger. See you later ok." I give him a kiss.
"Yeah just keep me posted ok. I'm in the press conference at 10.30, but you can reach Michael or Blake during that time." He gives me another worried look, but I force myself to smile and I hope that will ease his mind.

They head out and I take another paracetamol before I get back to bed.
My lower back hurts more then it did when I woke up earlier, so I try to make myself comfortable and gladly I do drift off to sleep.

I don't know how long I've slept, but I suddenly wake up in a lot of pain. I've got horrible cramps in my lower abdomen and it feels like I have to go to the toilet. So I drag myself out of bed to go to the bathroom. When I reach the bathroom I get struck with even worse cramps and my knees give in. I try to get up again, but it feels like I'm being punched and stabbed in my belly at the same time.
I'm glad I quickly grabbed my phone before going to the bathroom.
I don't even see what time it is, but I try to call Daniel.

"Please pick up." I'm crying in pain now and I can barely move. I feel so scared right now and I just know this is really bad.
Daniel doesn't pick up so I check the time and I realize he had just started his press conference.
"Fuck, please little bean don't do this to me." I feel tears streaming down my face as I try to call Michael.
"Sky? What's wrong?" Michael hears me sobbing.
"Something's wrong. Please help me. It hurts so bad." I moan when another wave of this horrible pain hits me.

"Shit, I'm on my way. Hang in there." He hangs up and I can only hope he gets here quickly.
I lie down with my arms around my belly crying and I feel something warm spreading down my thighs. I think I peed on myself and I feel even worse.
It feels like hours when I hear Michael yelling my name.
"Sky!! Where are you?" He sounds like he's freaking out and with a soft voice I try to call out to him.
"I'm here."

The door gets yanked open and I hear him gasp.
"Oh shit." He whispers when he sees me and quickly sits down next to me.
"Skylar you have to get up. I'm taking you to hospital." He sounds terrified and I try to sit up.
"I think I wet myself." I say and he shakes his head.
"No sweetheart you didn't. You're bleeding Sky." I can tell he has tears in his eyes and I start crying again.
"I'm losing the baby aren't I? Oh god please tell me I'm wrong." I fold over again as I get hit with more horrible cramps.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora