The workmen return stating that Mr. Nnabe was caught, he had been badly injured by someone and had gone to the home of his relatives for aid, when persons saw him and sounded an alarm. I notice one of the men that guard nightly, he did not talk much and wore a smug smile on his face. I knew a lot about criminals to can easily spot one and something was fishy with him.

  That night I took Dean and my father and we park some distance away and send up the drone over the safe house and school. It was supposed to be only three of men keeping guard, but we were seeing ten of them camping outside the shack where the cements and other things were kept, with sharp machetes. I turn up the audio and we spent the next hour listening to them.

                Dean's pov

  A gang is never a good thing, Demar and Mr. Denzel thinks that once the wall was finished building, the same men who had been guarding will prey upon Mr. Abinago for things in one way or another. They feel he knows as well, hence his reason for still trying to get bad dogs. I tell them about David who will be farming up the piece of land and working as a gardner and gate man.

  We drive home exchanging ideas and making plans on how best to deal with the situation, my mother ask what had happened when we reach home and I whispered telling her and Mr. Cleve. She express her concern for us and murmurs about how bad some people in the world are. After eating some of the warm roast yam and sweet potatoes with saltfish, I drank a bottle of cool water and call it a night.

  Being at home leave me with a lot of time on my hands, I did not stay idle all day and I receive lots of praises when my family came home. I get more time to chat with Adajay and Adalan on the phone, cook African meals and bake. The abundant food I prepared in the evenings, attracted the unwanted company of Ms. Maize and Donahue three evenings straight. Demar however break it up the following evening, by telling my mom to take Mr. Cleve out of the cold night air and carrying their tray of food up to them. He called his dad stating that he wanted to talk to him, then went out back with a hefty tray of food and beverages for both of them.

  I took the children after we had eaten, up to my mom and I sat talking with her and Mr. Cleve until it was late and the children grew sleepy. After getting the children in bed, I went down to the kitchen to see to tidy up but find it done already and Demar doing his nightly checks of ensuring the place was locked up and secure. I went upstairs and get ready for bed, my thoughts were filled with Antoine's daughters and I add them in my prayer as I pray.

  Knowing that everyone's belly is filled before they go out to school and work is comforting. I pack lunch kits and lunch bags and then everyone left leaving me alone. I bake some breads and a large cake, it was afternoon by the time they were ready and I have a light lunch before getting ready to go to the safe house. I wore a dark blue stretch jeans pants, with a matching polo v-neck ganzie and sneakers, pack everything inside of my truck including a cool bottle of water and lock up the house before driving out.

The vast greenery on both sides of the road makes me smile as usual, Africa is truly beautiful. Something glisten across the roadway and I break to a stop, too late I realize my front wheels were flat. Men with sharp looking machetes suddenly appeared out from the dense greenery, and I put the truck into reverse and reverse quickly a short distance away. My heart thumped in my chest as I quickly felt under my seat for the matic Demar put there, when my hand grasp it I pulled it out and select it.

A loud bang on my truck made me jump in fright and I see the men surrounding my truck again and shouting to me to open it the door. They banged against my now wined up glass and I dialed Demar's number speedily.

"Babes," he answered on the second ring.

"M- my front tyres are flat and I'm surrounded by a mask s- set of men wielding machetes," I stammered out nervously as the men peered through the window and windshield at me.

"Wey yuh dey?" He ask.

I look around quickly before replying. "Two miles away from the Safe house."


"Oh shit!" I screamed in fright as the front passenger window was broken.

  I grabbed up my handbag and pointed the gun at the two who push in their heads, they ran off so fast and disappeared into the bushes leaving the others. One of them was knocking against my window, he stopped when another shouted to him in one of their language to not break it. I reversed and reverse but because of my flat tyres I could not get far and they keep on running along beside my truck.

In a wave of anger I stopped and carried down my window, I point my gun and shot the one right beside my window in the arm he held the machete in. The others begin to flee into the bushes and I fired several more shots to scare them away. I got out and walk to where the one I had shot was getting up to run and tell him.

"Don't bloodclaate move! Tek off di mask!"

He begin babbling a mile a minute begging for his life, while still trying to scamper away and I shoot him in his right foot. He cry out holding on to it, then flinging off his mask as he howled in pain. I blew out a deep breath seeing that it is one of the labourers, I walk back to my truck and sit inside it letting him stay and suffer on the ground. Uncaring if he dies or not.

To be continued...

To be continued

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