307: A deal - Part three

Start from the beginning

That had been placed deep in Cair Paravel, locked in a room, hardly anyone knew it was there except Peter, his siblings, Aslan and Orious.

The man chuckled. "I have my ways." He responded casually. "Besides, I get what I want, and I very much wanted this."

Peter swallowed hard, before he took a deep breath. "You're gonna free her..." He whispered.

The man nodded a little. "Good guess." He murmured.

Peter tried pulling against the ropes, but there was no point. "You can't do this." He choked. "I won't let you."

"What are you gonna do about it?" The man laughed.

Peter glared at him. "What was the point in poisoning Edmund then?" He spat. "She's just gonna kill him!"

The man chuckled, shaking his head. "I never planned this in the first place," He admitted. "But after I realised you'd do anything to get that cure, I had to come up with another way to get rid of that pathetic kid."

Peter saw red. "Don't. You. Dare." He growled.

"And what better way to do that than handing the task over to the person who would want nothing more than for your brother to be dead." The man spat.

"Why are you doing this?" Peter whispered. "You don't even know us! Edmund is just a kid! He's not even sixteen yet!"

"A kid who doesn't deserve his throne, his crown, his title, or his life." The man hissed. "I don't want him ruling over this country, not after what he did."

"So, he went over to the witches side by no fault of his own, which you don't like..." Peter said slowly. "Yet you're willing to bring the witch back to life, right now, forever."

"Anyone is better than him."

"Not Jadis." Peter muttered. "Edmund is one of the most decent human beings I know, and I will not let you free Jadis."

"You have no choice." The man reminded him. "There's no one here to stop me."

"Think again."

Peter's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head, terrified when he saw Edmund stood a little way away, sword gripped tightly in his slightly shaking hands.

Edmund still wasn't fully recovered... What was he doing here?!

"Edmund." Peter eventually managed to choke out, pulling against the ropes.

The man seemed to like this twist, and turned to the young King, smirking. "So, the traitor decides to join us." He said.

Peter was probably the only one that noticed Edmund wince at that word, but his face didn't change. "I'm here to save my brother." He muttered. "That deal he made with you was stupid and reckless-"

Peter swallowed hard, lowering his gaze to the floor for a moment, it felt like his brother was talking directly to him.

"I agree." The man said. "Because now you die anyway, isn't that wonderful?"

"I - I won't let you bring her back." Edmund snapped firmly.

"You gonna stop me?"

Edmund took a deep breath. "Yes."

Peter could do nothing but watch as Edmund ran at the guy, and he felt sick when his brother was thrown against a tree.

The man threw his dagger after this, pinning Edmunds arm up against the trunk with it, making him gasp in pain as it sunk into his skin.

"Maybe I'll use your blood to bring her back instead of your brothers." The man taunted, walking up to Edmund. "I reckon she'd be very pleased with me when I hand you over to her, I'd have no reason to be afraid."

"She doesn't care for anyone but herself." Edmund grumbled, trying to sit up without hurting his arm further. "You'd be living in fear."

The man shrugged. "Well at least I'd be living." He chuckled. "And now, your blood."

Peter swallowed hard, guessing he was going to take it from Edmund's arm, so therefore he was absolutely horrified when the man yanked the dagger from the tree trunk and embedded it into Edmunds stomach.


Edmund choked, his hands going to the dagger as his eyes slammed shut, struggling to force in a single breath.

"Let's see what the witch decides to do with you, yes?" The man hissed in his ear, before yanking the dagger out and allowing Edmund to collapse to the floor.


"I reckon She'll either let you bleed out and die, or she'll stitch up that little wound and have some fun." The man murmured, grinning at the blood covered dagger. "My money's on the second option."

"EDMUND!" Peter screamed for the third time, his heart pounding in his chest as his brother lay bleeding, gasping and whimpering on the floor just a few feet away.

"Let's do this shall we?"

"Yeah, I don't think so."

Peter barely had any time to react before the man was shot square in the chest with an arrow, and turning around he expected to see Susan, so when he saw Lucy, with Susan's bow, he was just a little confused.

"Lucy?!" He choked out, gasping when the ropes suddenly loosened and dropped him to the floor.

Lucy, who was shaking, lowered the bow, swallowing hard as she stared at the man she'd just killed.

"G - Great shot Lu." Peter murmured, hurrying over to her. "How did you find us?"

Lucy took a deep breath. "I saw Edmund sneak out." She told him. "I - I couldn't let that man bring her back."

"And he won't." Peter said firmly. "All thanks to you."

Lucy gave him a small smile, before placing the bow carefully on the floor, pulling out her cordial and rushing over to her brother.

Peter hurried over too, falling to his knees at his brother's side and taking hold of his bloody hand. "Hold on Eddy," He whispered. "We're here."

Lucy didn't hesitate in giving him the cordial, and it worked just like always.

"You idiot." Peter choked as he slowly pulled away from the hug.

Edmund swallowed hard. "I'd say you're the idiot." He muttered weakly. "What were you thinking, making a deal like that?"

Peter sighed. "I did it to get the cure off him." He whispered. "He said he'd give it to me if I agreed to meet him here tonight."

"And of course you agreed."

"I wasn't about to let you die!" Peter cried. "I didn't know any of this would happen."

Edmund took a deep breath. "Alright, I know, I know." He mumbled. "I'm just, shocked that she nearly came back."

But Peter shook his head. "She didn't even come close Edmund." He said firmly. "Some guy just got the wand. She's never coming back, I promise."

Edmund swallowed hard, resting his head on Peter's shoulder and nodding a little, managing a small smile for his siblings sake, before he took a deep breath and nodded again. "Good."

Changed the title :)

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