Kuma Short Stories 4

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I heard a lot about trips from adventurers at the Adventurer’s Guild, but they never mentioned a comfortable trip like this. They only ate simple food and had to keep guard at night. It was impossible to take baths, of course, and they didn’t sleep in comfortable beds.

Yet, we didn’t have to keep watch at night, and we slept in warm beds; Big Sis Yuna was really amazing.

During the day, monsters didn’t attack us thanks to Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear, so we were traveling completely safe. If I mentioned this to adventurers, they would be jealous for sure.

Somewhere in the middle of this fun journey, Big Sis Yuna stopped the Bear-sans and said there were people being attacked by monsters in front of us. I couldn’t see them, but since Big Sis Yuna was the one saying it, I was sure it was true.

Big Sis Yuna asked Noire-sama what we should do; should we abandon them, or should we save them?

If we were to go and save them, we would be exposed to danger, and it seemed Big Sis Yuna was worried about that.

Noire-sama and Big Sis Yuna talked it over and decided to save them.

Big Sis Yuna then started to run really fast, while we stayed on Swaying Bear and slowly moved forwards to see what was happening. From far away, I saw a carriage and a monster that looked somewhat like a big man near it.

It was an orc; a monster stronger than a goblin, a monster that should be hard to defeat…

or not.

When Big Sis Yuna approached the carriage, the orc collapsed. Big Sis Yuna… What did you do to make him collapse so easily?

"How did Yuna-san do that?"

Noire-sama didn’t seem to understand it, either.

A few minutes after Big Sis Yuna went to help the carriage, all of the monsters were defeated. She must have defeated them all while I was still wondering what was going on; she really was incredible.

Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear started walking towards the carriage; was it safe now?

As we approached the carriage, an adventurer pointed her sword at us in surprise, but then put it down immediately.

It seemed that the ones who had been attacked were a rich old man and a girl, both Noire-sama’s acquaintances; Noire-sama seemed really happy to see them.

The girl’s name was Misa-sama, and the old man was Gran-sama. They were both nobles, so I became anxious again; Noire-sama was kind, but they might not be. I would have to mind how I spoke and acted; I should be okay as long as I didn’t have to speak before we parted ways.

Yet, my prayers didn’t reach, as it was decided that we would travel to the capital together.

I became even more anxious, but there was no way I could have said that I didn’t want to travel with them. I really hoped they were good people…

Traveling with them brought inconvenience, as we couldn’t use Bear-san House. Big Sis Yuna said she couldn’t use it in front of other people; Noire-sama and I were exceptions.

I felt happy when she said that.

It was unfortunate that we couldn’t use the bath or the beds, but that was how trips should normally be, so I didn’t say anything selfish.

Noire-sama now rode in the carriage with Misa-sama, so I was now the only one riding Swaying Bear. My happiness must have shown on my face, because Noire-sama said,"I will hand over the Bear-san this time, but that is still my reserved seat, okay!?"

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