Submission SNEEK PEEK

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You sip your drink as you suddenly feel someone watching you. You quickly look over your shoulder and see him. You roll your eyes and get back to your friend, Tasha, in front of you.

T: I know you saw him over there looking at you.

Yu: Okay and?

T: Girl you need to stop and get back on that horse.

Yu: T, I do not need to be affiliated with that again. I'm doing fine without him anyway.

T: Okay keep being in denial.

You both smile and roll your eyes. You take another sip from your glass before getting out of your seat.

Yu: I'ma head to the restroom. I'll be back.

T: Okay honey bun.

You giggle as you make your way to a restroom upstairs. You close the door and freshen up a bit. You suddenly hear the door open and roll your eyes again.

Yu: Chris what do you want?

C: You thought you can just walk in here dressed like that and I wouldn't say anything?

Yu: Chris I don't have time for this right now alright? What we had is over. Now please leave me alone.

He grabs your neck and pulls you closer to him.

C: You're funny if you think this is over.

Yu: Christopher I ain't playing with you. Let me go.

C: I see you need to be taught a lesson.

He places you on the counter with him between your legs. You look into his eyes as they fill with lust.

Yu: Chris please.

C: Please what?

He says as he moves his face closer to yours.


BREEZY X: Chris Brown ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin