Dean's pov

  I was almost finished cooking dinner when my phone rings, with a strange number calling me. I answered and it was Aloma the mathematics teacher calling, my heart lurched as I hear the anxiousness in her voice. I schooled myself and listens as she explains what took place about an hour after I left.

"Mr. Abinago went to the kitchen and caught Ms. Nnabe just in time, giving a bag of food stuff she had stolen from the store room to her husband. He begins to chastise her in vexation and her husband raise a machete he had in his hand and chopped him, Ms. Nnabe tried to prevent him from inflicting further injury to Mr. Abinago and he gave her a proper beating with the machete. The police has just left after taking information, and I was asked to stay here with the children. I am so scared even though the men who are guarding says they will be here all night."

"Oh my God!" I exclaim.

My brain begin to tick and I ask her. "Did the police take Mr. Abinago to the hospital?"

"No, it was one of the workmen who rides a motorbike," she answers.

"I can't believe this," I said feeling sad.

"Ms. Nnabe has been taken to the police station for further questioning, I'm not sure if I should feel sorry for her. I know husbands force their wives to do things, but how could she be stealing the little food that is left in the store room for the children?" Aloma says and ask.

  I sighed and turn off the stove, crime seems to be more rampant here. "So they have not caught Ms. Nnabe's husband?" I ask.

"No the haven't, he ran off when the children begin to scream and cry. Persons who came by are whispering that he is a criminal, they are angry over the incident, but yuh know no one is willing to stand up and tell the police because they fear for their lives." She answers and tells me.

"Make sure you lock up all the windows  and doors, I hope the police will maintain their presence in the area," I tell her.

"I will and I hope so," she says.

"I will call you in the morning to see how things are going," I tell her and then we say goodbye.

Although I had been very hungry, I only managed to eat a small amount of my dinner. My mother and Mr. Cleve were both overly concerned and didn't want me to go back to the village to teach, Demar get the children ready for bed and put them to watch tv in their room. Then he spread off in the living room with his two laptops and his drone.

  He sat on the verandah upstairs and sent it up into the sky, I did not see the lights that always blinked on it and was fascinated to see the surrounding areas on his tablet screen brightly. When I went inside our room to get ready for bed, I was surprise to see a brand new tablet on our bed. Before I was done taking my shower, he came and told me that he was going for water with his dad and he will soon be back.

  I checked on the children and found them all asleep and covered up with their blanket, so I hasted out to the living room to get a better look at Demar's drone. There was not even one of the laptops there, calmly I went to the  room downstairs he had his work stuff packed up in and found in there neatly arranged.

"A wha dis a second Antoine?" I ask the room of equipment.

  I had no idea what half of them was, neither did I know what they are use for. Most of them had been in large wooden boxes inside of the container, but I'm certain I hadn't seen some of them before. "Tsk," with an hiss I close the door and activated back the child safety lock. I climb slowly back up the stairs and went into the children's room, I kiss my two son's forehead and also Raquenay's. I wonder what her mother was doing right now and if she misses her, I would never want to be away from my sons too long again, I was all kinds of emotions in St. Marteen.

The sound of the water truck driving back took me from my reverie, it drive into the yard and then I hear the pump on the truck turn on. Why are they carrying water in the night? I ask my weary mind. The room door opens quietly and Demar came in, I just can't understand how he walks so silently with such muscular physique. He came over to the bed and cover me up with the blanket then whispers.

"Sweet dreams baby."

He then kisses my cheek and went out quietly, I hear the water truck go over to his parent's house and then it drive away again.

To be continued...

To be continued

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