Chapter 57

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Diana's POV

I stare down at the broken glass on the ground infront of me. My hands grip the rusted chains, while I gently swing forward a bit.

Its dark out. Probably not the safest place to be at night.

But this place has always been a place where I go when I feel sad. One of my only memories of my mother is her bringing me here, pushing me on this swing.

For as long as I can remember, I came here when I was upset.

Just like right now.

I've seen the pictures, the multiple article's.

The pictures of that women kissing Alex, while his hands are on her waist and he's leaning against that stupid car.

I've read every single story about how they've been dating for months, or how they are already married.

The stories are bullshit, I know that. But the pictures...I'm really not sure.

I sigh, not knowing what to do.

He didn't answer my texts all day. I assumed he was busy. But then in the pictures you can clearly see his phone in his hand.  I know he was ignoring me.

And I rang him when I first saw the pictures, but he didnt answer. And I didnt ring back in fear he was...doing stuff with her.

I couldn't handle it.

I cant handle it.

I love him. So, so fucking much. I never expected him to do this. A big part of me is telling me Alex wouldn't do this. Thats he really does love me and this is all a big misunderstanding.

But a small part of me is telling me I'm wrong. I've always tried being optimistic about things. Mabey its time to face reality. And that reality is there is multiple pictures of my boyfriend kissing another women.

I know I never expected him to do this, but I also never expected Mason to hurt me. I never expected my eighth grade best friend to tell everyone my secrets. The point is, I'm never good at predicting peoples intentions.

Maybe this is just another one of those situations.

But why would he do this? Why would he offer to let me and my brother live with him, if he was cheating?

There's thousands of other women in this city alone who are much prettier than me. Why waste time pretending?


I jump, looking up to see Alex standing a few metres away.

I swallow the lump in my throat, gripping the chains tighter.

"I-...please you need to let me explain" Alex whispers, taking steps towards me. "Leave me alone Alex" I mumble, looking back down at my feet.

I feel a drop of rain of my wrist, followed by another one on my forearm. Great, just great.


"I said leave me alone Alex" I say, louder this time. I'm not ready to hear what he has to say. Because that would mean taking the risk of finding out those photos were indeed true, and that everything I thought we had was an act.

If that is the truth, I'd rather live oblivious to it. Just for a little while longer.

"No" He says. "Fine then" I stand up, and walk in the opposite direction towards my car.

It starts to rain, and the grumble of thunder only promises that it'll get worse.

I feel a warm hand grip my wrist, and I'm spinned around.

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