Chapter 36

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Alexander's POV

"Diana" I warn, and she laughs before running off.

Sighing, I follow her.

I am going to kill this women in the morning.

Walking into the kitchen, I hear laughing. Crouching down, I look under the table and see her sitting with her legs crossed, holding a bottle of vodka in her hand.

"Diana" I tell her. She smiles. "Hey" She draws out the word. "Give me the bottle" I tell her. She frowns. "But its mine.." She mumbles.

"You've had enough. Come on out" I tell her. She crawls out, standing up before taking steps back, creating space between us.

"Diana" I tell her, and she hugs the bottle. "Mine" She tells me. "Diana-"

She runs away into the living room.

I curse under my breath. "Have never seen her run before but now she's a runner" I mutter as I walk into the living room.

I see her hiding behind the curtains, and I roll my eyes.

Standing infront of her, I open the curtains, and we're standing chest to chest.

Taking the bottle from her hands, she stares up at me innocently.

I grap her jaw, pulling her face closer. "Diana" I say. "Yes" She say sweetly. "Behave" I tell her. She smiles.

I grab her hand, leading her into the kitchen. I sit her down on one if the wooden kitchen chairs, placing the bottle of vodka on the counter away from her.

"Can you hand me my water please" Diana asks, pointing to the half empty water bottle beside me.

I grab it, walking over to her. I go to hand it to her, but stop.

"Is there water in here?" I ask her. She giggles. "Yess, of course" She blinks innocently. I sigh, pouring the liquid in the plastic bottle down the sink.

"Noo, you are ruining my fun. Alex" She whines, dragging out the 'x' in my name. "You've had enough Diana" I tell her, grabbing her a glass and filling it with actual water.

"Alex pleasee" She says. "No" I tell her. "Fine".

I look at her suspisously.

She grins.

"I'm getting something from my closet. Stay here" Diana stands up from the kitchen chair. "Its not alcohol. slices" She laughs, running off upstairs.

I sigh, grabbing the bottle of vodka on the counter beside me, before taking multiple gulps of it.

Cringing at the taste, I put the bottle on the counter before following her up.

"Diana" I call out as I walk over to the closet in the upstairs hallway. I walk inside, seeing its empty. The door closes behind me, and I hear it lock.

Leaning my head back against the door, I let out a sigh.

"Diana" I mutter. I hear her giggle. "Alex".

"Let me out Diana" I tell her. "You're mine now. Locked up in my closet" She laughs.

I shake my head amused. "I was always yours baby. Now open the door for me" I tell her.

"Noo,  you we're being mean to me" She whines. "I'll be nice" I chuckle.

"Liar" I faintly hear her mumble. "You..stealing my water. Tryna' thirst me to death!" She slurs out.

"Diana-" "Im hungry" She cuts me off, and I faintly hear the sound of footsteps.

"Diana" I say, but get no answer.

"Brat" I mutter.

Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I turn the torch on so I can see. Looking around the room, I see shelves filled with mutilple cardboard boxes, as well as a vacuum and an ironing board.

Turning, I reach my hand up to the top of the door frame, feeling for a key.

I smile when I feel one. I remember Diana telling me a story how Casey locked her in here once when they were younger. She was trapped for over two hours.  After that she always kept a spare key in here incase he ever did it again.

I put the key in the door, unlocking it easily.

Once the door opens, I put the key back, before stepping out. Turning off the torch on my phone, I go and walk downstairs.

I see Diana sitting on the kitchen table, the same bottle of vodka beside her, a bowl of apple slices in her lap.

"Alex you're back! I missed you" She smiles as I walk over to her.

"You locked me in your closet" I mutter, taking the bottle and pouring it down the sink. "Shh dont tell Alex it was me" She whispers, giggling while I roll my eyes.

I turn and see her chewing on an apple slice. I also notice the blood running down her forearm.

"Diana what the fuck?" I scowl, walking over and grabbing her arm. Inspecting it, I see the blood is coming from a cut on her wrist.

"How'd that get there" She frowns. Looking at the table beside her, I see a knife on the table, with some blood on the end of it.

"You used that knife?" I ask, pointing to the knife. "My apple knife" She smiles at it.

"Come on" I sigh, picking her up off the table and placing her on the ground. I grab her hand and pull her over to the kitchen sink. Turning the tap on, I hold her arm under the water, washing away the blood.

I look in the cabinet under the sink, grabbing the first aid kit I knew she had there.

I bandage up the small wound on her wrist, while she happily drinks the bottle of water I have her that I told her was vodka.

When Im done, I pick her up, and she giggles. "Taxi service!" She cheers while I carry her out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Walking into her room, I lie her on the bed.

I grab a tie that I left here before, and tie one of her wrists to the headboard on her bed.

Sighing, I lie down on the bed beside her, closing my eyes.

Its nearly two am, and I'm tired after chasing after this one for over an hour.

I feel someone fucking lick my eyelid.

"Diana" I mumble. She giggles, pulling away. "Wasn't me. It was Alex" She tells me.

I get up off the bed, and close the door. Turning off the main light, I put on the small beside light beside her bed instead. Taking off my shirt, I go and sit back down on the bed beside her.

She rests her head in my lap, her wrist still tied. I stroke her hair with my hand, hoping she falls asleep while I answer some emails on my phone.

"Alex" She whispers. "Yes?". "You smell nice" She mumbles. "Thank you" I smile amused. "I'm sorry for locking you in my closet" Diana mumbles, sounding half asleep.

"I know baby" I tell her. She giggles. "I like that name" She confesses.

"Really?". She hums. "It makes me feel giddy inside".

I smile, knowing Diana would never tell me this is she was sober. "I'll make sure to call you it more often then" I tell her. She grins.

"But I'm not an actual baby. I just like the name" She tells me. "I know Diana" I chuckle. She sighs. "I'm tired" Diana mumbles.

"Why dont you go to sleep then?" I suggest. She hums. "Good idea" She whispers.

"Goodnight" I tell her, but shes already asleep. She must have been truely exhausted.

Smiling, I put my phone away, lying down properly with her head on my chest. I turn off the lamp beside me, and I fall asleep to the sound of her quiet breaths.

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