Chapter 1

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Diana's POV

I let out a sigh of relief once I realize that I've finished transferring all the data from the documents, online.

I grab my handbag and double-check that I have my phone and car keys, before standing up and walking away from my desk towards the elevator.

I work in the Finance Department of Hendrix CO. I've worked here for three years, and I hate it.

There are three floors to the Finance Department, and I so happen to be situated on the sixth floor.

Everyone, and I mean everyone, on my floor are assholes. They are all over the age of forty, and because I'm only twenty-five, they treat me like their fucking slave.

Always asking me to get them coffee or to print this or to deliver that. And when I refuse, they either guilt trip me, insult me or tell the department head, Larry.

I fucking hate Larry.

He always treats me like I'm his assistant. They all treat me like their assistant, and they have zero respect for me.

Take today for example, Larry told me at four in the afternoon that he needs all the data from the last two months uploaded online by tomorrow morning.

Do you have any idea how much work that is for one person?

And when I asked him why me, he said 'Because everyone else already has work to do'

Excuse me? What the hell does he think I've been doing all day?

I swear that man thinks I sit around playing Candy Crush all day.

And when I told him I had work to do, and that I wasn't able to do it, he basically threatened to fire me.

See, I'm not on any contract. So technically, he could fire me whenever the fuck he wants. That's why I have to do everything he says because he will literally just fire me if I don't. And this job pays well. I can't afford to get fired.

But anyways, that's why I'm only leaving work at nearly ten pm when I'm supposed to finish at five.

But this is how it is most days. I'm usually the last one to leave.

Being an adult is fun.

I press the button for the elevator and wait patiently as it comes to my floor. The doors open, and inside is the most attractive man I've ever laid eyes on.

He had dark brown hair and emerald-green eyes. His jawline was well-defined, and he had a light stubble on his face. He was wearing a black suit, with the top two buttons of his shirt undone, and his demeanour screamed powerful.

I quickly snap out of my little daydream, walk into the elevator and stand in the opposite corner to this man.

I held onto the handrail on the side of the wall as the door closed, and took a deep breath.

I am petrified of elevators.

I would gladly kiss the bottom of Larry's shoes if it meant I never had to step into an elevator again.

But this damn building had no stairs.

I tried to relax as the elevator started to move, but it was hard when the guy beside me was having a very angry phone call.

Suddenly, the elevator began to shake, and the lights turned off.

I'm going to die.

I hold onto the handrail for dear life and shut my eyes tight as I try to ignore the fact that my worst nightmare is happening.

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