Chapter 53

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Diana's POV

I sigh, looking up at the mirrors on the ceiling.

Alex is gone out with his brothers to do a job or..a crime? I dont know the offical term for what they are doing. But he's gone.

And Harriet, Quinn and Julian are all at work. Charlottes at school. I have nothing to do, no one to talk to.

I groan, rolling onto my stomach.

I pout, not liking boredom.

I see my phone and grab it. Turning it on, the first thing I spot is the date. Todays the sixth?! Already.

Wow. I'm twenty-six in two weeks.

I hate getting old.

What am I saying? Twenty six isnt old.

Eighteen year old me thought I'd be done traveling the world by now. I had alot of plans when I was younger. And so far, none of them have happened.

After dad died, I was so busy with work and minding Casey, I didnt have the time,  nor the money, to go do stuff.

The most exciting thing I've done as an adult is probably get drunk and locked my boyfriend in a closet.

Wow my life is boring.

I frown. I dont want to be boring. Dont get me wrong, I love Alex. And pretty much everything with him is exciting. But on my own, I've done nothing.

Well that's going to change today.

Getting up, I grab my phone, and change into clothes other than underwear and a hoodie. Once I'm done getting ready, I go out to my car.

I drive to the mall, parking outside.

Now what?

I thought my amazing, exciting idea would come to me on the twenty minute drive here. What fun, exciting event was I really expecting from the mall?

I grab my phone, scrolling through my contacts before hitting Casey's number.

"What's up?" Caseys says, and I smile, hearing the sound of his voice. "Can you talk?" I ask him, and he hums.

"Whats something I should do thats exciting?" I sigh, leaning back into my seat. "More context please" He says.

"I never do anything fun. By myself. People my age are out travelling and shit" I sigh.  "Get a tattoo" Casey says.

"What". "A tattoo" He repeats. "But-..those are permanent" I mumble.

He laughs. "I know".

"I change my mind alot" I say. "So pick one you're gonna like" Casey says. "Or, somewhere you can't see".


A tattoo? I-..I couldn't.

"Tattoo, piercing, skydiving. You choose. Or do neither" He tells me. "I have to do something" I say.

"Diana, you're not boring" Casey laughs. "You're a CEOs personal assistant at age of twenty-five. You've been kidnapped, and survived. You took care of me for years with zero complaint. Diana you're the coolest person I know. Shut up with that 'Im boring' shit"  Casey tells me.

"You really think that?" I mumble. "Yep. Now I gotta go, but dont do something you're going to regret- can't believe I'm saying that to you" Casey chuckles, before the line goes dead.

I smile, removing the phone away from my ear.

I'm going to get a tattoo.


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