Chapter 32

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Diana's POV

I hum a song as I pour the batter into the muffin cases. Once I'm finished, I put the tray in the oven and set the timer.

I'm making chocolate chip muffins because they're Casey's favourite. Lately he has been really down, and stays in his room most days. I'm hoping these make him feel better.

Arms wrap around me from behind, and I kiss is placed on my neck. I smile, leaning back into Alex's chest.

He was upstairs having a shower. He turns me around by my hips, and I smile,  wrapping my arms around his neck.

He looks down at my apron. "Hot buns" Alex reads, and I cringe slightly. "Ignore it" I tell him as I untie my apron.

I won it in a raffle in highschool, and have never been bothered to spend money on a new one.

There's quiet music playing from the radio. Alex rests his hands on my hips while my hands are drapped around his neck. I rest my bead on his chest as we sway side to side.

"You smell nice" I sigh, causing him to chuckle. "You sure its not the muffins?" Alex asks, and I smile. "You know what, probably" I tease, pulling away while he playfully glares at me.

He pecks my lips, causing me to grin just as the timer goes off.

I smile, excited to see how they turned out. I grab the oven mit of the kitchen counter. "This was my mams own recipe. She was a cheff. I made them once when I was nine for the school bake sale, and Casey loved them" I tell him as I take the tray out of the oven.

"They smell lovely" Alex comments. "Probably just me" I tell him, causing him to laugh.

Walking out of the kitchen and over to the bottom of the stairs. "Casey come downstairs" I shout. "Why?" He shouts down. "We're watching a movie. No, you dont have a choice. Now hurry up" I yell, before walking back into the kitchen.

Alex is already sitting in the living room, and I quickly place the muffins on a plate before carrying it in and joining him on the couch.

A few minutes later, Casey walks in and sits down on the armchair. He's in a black hoodie, his hair messy and his face pale with eye bags underneath his tired eyes. I frown, before shaking it off and smiling.

"I made muffins. Dont eat them all in one go or I will kill you" I warn him, and he chuckles, leaning forward a taking one.

I relax a bit when I see him take a bite. It's been awhile since I've actually seen him eat anything.

"So what are we watching?" Casey asks, and I grin. "Mama mia" I tell them, and they both groan.

I gasp, staring at Alex. "You too?" I ask on disbelief. I know Casey hates the movie, but Alex too?

"Its a horrible movie" Alex tells me. "I'd rather listen to kids screaming on repeat" Casey mumbles, and Alex agrees, making me roll my eyes.

"Fine then. You two pick a movie" I shrug, deciding it'll be easier. "Hunger games?" Alex suggests. Casey hums in approval. "First or the second?" He asks.

Silence fills the air as Alex thinks. "The second" He answers. "Good answer" Casey tells him, grabbing the tv remote to put on the movie.

I smile, happy watching the two of them get on.

Casey and Mason were eachothers worst enemies. They were always arguing, and could never agree on anything.

It put me in a very difficult spot. I introduced the two of them when we were two months into our relationship. They hated eachother from the start.

So for the next month I was conflicted weither to break up with Mason, or stay with him and hope they eventually get on.

But I was only burdened with this tricky decision for a month before Mason showed his true colours.

"How's work going?" Casey asks us, and I groan. "We have another work event coming up" I mumble, and Alex chuckles. He knows how much I hate them, and finds it amusing whenever I complain.

"Better than Larry" Casey shrugs. "Thats very true" I nod. I fucking hate Larry.

"Who's Larry?" Alex asks. Alex also knows how much I hate everyone on floor twenty-six, but I havent gotten into detail why.

Dont get me wrong, I will eventually. It's  just I know when I do, he'll probably fire the whole floor. And he's already fired twenty people this month so far. Too much gone at one time could have bad reproductions.

"An asshole" Casey mutters. "I hate Larry" I sigh, leaning into Alex's side further while his arm around me hugs me close.

"And Derek" Casey adds and I groan. "We dont like Derek" I tell Alex, and he nods, taking a mental note.

The movie then begins to play, and we all start to go quiet. Snuggling into Alex, he kisses my head, and I look up and shoot him a smile.

Looking back at the tv screen, I let out a sigh of content, happy with how today went.

I feel eyes on me, and I look over and see Casey staring at us two.

We've never really done anything like cuddling infront of Casey.  The most he's seen us do is a hug I believe.

We dont do it intentionally. Casey has just never been around us much. So mabey hes staring because hes not used to seeing us together?

I shoot him a small smile, hidding my confusion.

He quickly turns back to the movie, and I frown.

Somethings going on with him. I know it is. And it's really annoying me that he wont come to me. I feel completely useless.

He's my bestfriend. Always has been and always will be, no matter who comes into our lives.

We've always been extremely close, especially after dad died. Although Casey does intend to keep stuff to himself out of habit, we still know nearly everything about eachother.

So for him not to come to me, means whatever is happening is serious, and I'm very worried for him.

I just hope he knows I'm here for him.

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