Chapter 11

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Diana's POV

My god, I'm so bored.

I'm currently at a work event with Alexander, and for the last hour and forty minutes, I've just been walking around with him while he talks to everyone.

It almost makes me regret signing that three-year job contract three weeks ago.

I've officially been working as his personal assistant for seven weeks so far. Three weeks ago Alexander called me into his office and offered me the job permanently. Of course, I agreed.

I was so happy. Not only had I secured a good-paying job, but I also proved Mason wrong.

It's been three weeks since the whole Mason incident as I like to call it happened. The bruises are gone, and I haven't heard nor seen him thankfully. Overall, I'm doing fine.

I sigh as I look around the big hall we're in. Alexander's been talking to this one guy for over twenty minutes. Call me a child if you'd like, but I'm bored listening to their conversation.

The good thing is I'm completely unimportant to them, so I can zone out and not have to worry about someone asking me a question.

"Lovely seeing you Mr Hendrix" A woman says, and Alexander shoots her a nod. "Likewise Ms. Stevens" Alexander smiles, and I shoot the woman a smile before she walks off.

"I hate this" I hear him mutter as we walk over to the food stands. "You don't like work events?" I ask him, and he shakes his head surprisingly.

"Most boring thing ever. You just have the same conversation multiple times. Hear the same shitty jokes. Have to pretend to care about other people's shitty lives. God I can't stand it" Alexander groans, and I laugh.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, you've mastered your fake smile. I honestly thought you were enjoying yourself" I tell him, and he chuckles before grabbing a glass of champagne from a tray a waiter was holding.

"Believe me Diana, I'm just as bored as you" Alexander sighs before he brings his glass to his lips and drinks it all in a few big gulps.

I stare at him amused, and he simply shrugs before running his tongue over his wet lips, licking away the remainder of his drink as he stares out at the crowd.

The sound of a phone ringing tears me away from my trance on his lips, and I watch as Alexander takes out his phone from his pocket.

"I'll just be a minute. Stay here" He tells me, before bringing his phone to his ear and walking off.


"Hello," Someone says from behind me, and I turn and see a woman standing behind me in a beautiful royal blue dress.

"Hello," I smile, not having a clue why a women such as herself would want to talk to me.

"And you are?" She asks as she looks me up and down. "Mr Hendrix's assistant," I tell her before shooting her a tight-lipped smile.

She snickers, and I stand up straight, realizing this isn't going to be a friendly chat.

"And you are?" I ask, and the woman plasters on a smile. "Robyn Russel. I'm sure you've heard of me before" She smiles as she wipes a bit of her dark hair out of her face.

"No, I haven't," I tell her, and I suppress a smile as I see hers falter.

"I'm sorry, did you need something?" I ask, wanting to know why out of all the people here, she chose to bother me.

"Just wanted to check out Alexander's new whore for myself" She chuckles as she looks me up and down once more.

Ahh yes. When I got this job I was quickly made aware that Alexander never had an assistant before. So because of this, everyone decided I must have slept my way to the top. Because it's absurd to think that maybe, he just decided to hire a female assistant.

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