Chapter 8

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Diana's POV

The sound of my alarm clock wakes me up the next morning and I groan.

Thursdays are the worst.

Actually Mondays to Fridays are the worst.

I sit up out of my bed and let out another groan at the tiredness I feel. Fuck life.

I get up and walk into the bathroom before having a quick shower. I change into my usual work clothes. Once done completing my morning routine I head down the stairs into the kitchen.

Casey leaning against the counter, grinning at his phone like an idiot, and I roll my eyes as I step into the kitchen.

His grin drops and he puts his phone away, causing me to chuckle. "Having a good morning?" I tease and he rolls his eyes. "Shut up" Casey mumbles, and I laugh while making myself some breakfast.

"You need a lift to school?" I ask once I finish eating my food and Casey shakes his head. "No thanks" He says and I nod before grabbing my handbag off the kitchen table.

"I have to go. I'll see you later okay?" I tell him. "I'm actually hanging out with my friend tonight. I'll be home late so don't worry if I'm not home when you go to bed" Casey tells me and I sigh.

"Okay. Stay safe and don't be home too late. It is a school night" I tell him and he rolls his eyes playfully.

"Okay Mother" He jokes and I scoff before slapping his arm. "Don't call me that" I mumble as I walk towards the front door, the sound of him laughing brings a smile to my face as I walk out the door.

Once I get to work, I park my car before making my way up to my floor. I place my handbag at my desk, before walking into Alexander's office like I usually do every morning.

When I open the double doors to Alexander's office, I see him standing by the window looking out while on the phone.

Hearing me enter, he turns and puts out a hand signalling 'just a second'. I stand in the middle of his office and look out of the window as well. You could see most of the city from up here, and once again I'm reminded just how high up we are.

"So sorry Mr.Chapman, but I need to put you on hold for a minute. One of the janitors just fainted" Alexander says, and I bite back a smile at his lie. He presses a button on the phone, before sighing.

"I hate that man so fucking much" I hear him mumble,  and I chuckle a bit while he glares at the phone.

He notices my laughing and smiles a bit at me. "We don't like the Chapman family," He tells me, and I nod my head. "Noted," I say and he sighs.

I've heard of the Chapman family before. I think they own a law firm? I'm not sure to be honest.

"Do they own a law firm?" I ask, and he nods as he writes something down on a notepad on his desk. "They're a bunch of snobs. They're the type of rich people who somehow manage to brag about how wealthy they are every time you talk to them" Alexander mutters, and I smile at the clear sound of annoyance in his tone from simply talking about them.

"And don't get me started on their daughter" Alexander scowls as he walks over to me and hands me the piece of paper he just wrote on. "Why don't we like her? Is she as bad as her parent's?" I ask as I read the piece of paper he gave me.

Order number 0583


"Oh, that girl is so much worse. Entitled little brat. Tried to kill my brother's girlfriend" Alexander mutters, and I snap my head up to look at him. "She what?!" I ask in shock, and he simply nods.

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