Chapter 37

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Diana's POV

I let out a groan from the throbbing pain in my head.

There's an arm around my waist, and I feel the person tighten their grip. Smiling, I know its Alex.

Opening my eyes, I let out a yawn. I'm very confused as to how he got here. The last thing I remember is drinking some wine with Camilla.

Where is my top gone?
Why the fuck is there a bandage on my arm?

Most importantly, why is my wrist tied with a tie to the bed?

Blinking the sleep from my eyes, I stare at my arm that's rested on my pillow, with a black tie tied around it connected to the headboard of my bed.

"What the fuck" I mumble.

I feel Alex shift behind me. "Morning" He mumbles in a groggy voice. "Why am I tied to the bed?" I ask immediately.

"Because you're a pain in the ass when drunk," Alex says, sounding half asleep. "What-...What did I do?" I ask, almost scared to hear the answer.

"Locked me in a fucking closet" He mutters, as he hugs me tighter.

"What?!- no I-...really?" I mumble. No way I could have done that.

Alex hums before saying, "You ran around the house for an hour while I tried taking the bottle of you. Then you cut yourself while cutting apple slices".

"I'm so sorry Alex I-... I can't even remember what happened" I mumble. All I remember is why I don't get drunk often. The only reason I drank last night was because I knew Casey was staying at Amara's tonight.

Alex hums again. "Let me sleep," He tells me.

"Can you untie me?" I ask. "No" He mutters. "Please Alex" I mumble. "No".

"I'll be good, please" I try to reason with him. "The more you talk, the longer you're staying," He tells me.

I let out a groan. "Asshole" I mumble.

"What was that?" Alex asks, suddenly sounding more awake than ever. I freeze.

"Nothing," I tell him, and he hums. He hugs me close to his chest, spooning me while I try to think of a way out of this. I yawn, feeling my eyes go heavy again.

"You're tired. Go back to sleep for a while" He whispers. I hum in response. He hugs me tighter, placing a kiss on my temple, causing me to smile.

"You're really cosy you know?" I mumble. "Thanks" Alex chuckles. "Now get some rest baby" He tells me. I feel butterflies in my stomach, and my cheeks go slightly warm.

I sigh, relaxing into my pillow as I let myself drift off back to sleep.


I wake up beside Alex like before, only he's now awake, lying on his back while he goes on his phone.

I'm lying on my back, and I lift my head, lying it on Alex's chest. I stare up at the ceiling while a kiss is placed on my forehead, and a hand comes and brushes my hair back out of my face.

"You're really warm. Like my own personal heater," I sigh, causing him to chuckle.

"Can you untie me now?" I ask him. "No," He tells me, and I groan. "Alex". Silence. "I'm sorry" I try again. "Stay put," Alex tells me, before moving away from under me. He gets up, walks over to the bathroom and closes the door.

I sit up, moving back to where my hand is tied to the headboard. Now how on earth am I supposed to untie this?

Fuck you Camilla, and for convincing me to get acrylic nails yesterday.

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