Chapter 23

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Alexander's POV

I walk down the stairs while rolling the sleeves of my shirt up over my elbows. Once I reach the bottom, I walk into the kitchen and see my oldest brother Jay already sitting at the kitchen table looking exhausted, while Harriet, my younger brother's girlfriend is making some breakfast for herself.

"Late night?" I snort as I sit down beside him. "Don't get me started" He mutters while rubbing his eyes. Harriet places two cups of coffee in front of us. "Thank you" I say and she smiles. "You're a saint" Jay mumbles before practically chugging the coffee despite how hot it is.

Harriet and I stare at him weirdly, before she pats his back and walks back over to the kitchen to eat her food.

"Go to bed. Jesus, you look like you haven't slept in days" I tell him as I take a small sip of my coffee. I don't know what the fuck she does, but Harriet somehow always manages to make amazing coffee.

It baffles me how she doesn't do anything different to the rest of us, yet her coffee always tastes better.

"It's been twenty-seven hours but who's counting" He mumbles and I roll my eyes. Everyone always says I'm the one who overworks myself, but they never see a problem when this idiot pulls all-nighters doing work. But if you tell him he overworks himself you will get a glare and a lecture on how he's the oldest, and an adult and he can do whatever he wants.

"Go to bed. You're meant to be the smart one. I'm sure you know the importance of sleep" I tell him as I stand up from the kitchen chair.

"Fuck off" He mumbles, and I roll my eyes as I walk out of the kitchen, ready to head to work. I see Mam walking down the stairs, and she smiles when she sees me.

"Good morning Alex" Mam tell me as she grabs my head and pulls it down rather roughly just so she can kiss my cheek. This is what happens when you have a 5'4 mother.

"Morning," I tell her and she smiles and pats my cheek. "Have a good day at work" She says, before going to walk away but I gently grab her shoulder to stop her.

"Just thought you should know that Jay hasn't slept in twenty-seven hours," I tell her, and she scowls.

"Jayson!" Mam yells as she walks into the kitchen, and I smile knowing I took care of that problem. I slip out the door before Jay can kill me, and I get in my car and drive to work.

Once I get to the company, I park and walk in the doors. I take the private elevator up to my floor. Diana isn't here yet, since her shift doesn't start for another half hour.

I unlock my office, before turning on my laptop and working on a few emails.

I get a notification that someone is using the private elevator, but I don't bother looking since I know it's Diana.

A few seconds later, the doors open and like I expected, Diana walks out with her handbag and her cup which is no doubt filled with hot chocolate.

She notices me and smiles since the doors of my office are open at the moment. Diana walks in and I motion her over to me. She chuckles and comes behind my desk, and I spin around in my chair to face her.

I take the drink out of her hand and place it on my desk. Once the drink is safely out of the way, I pull her onto my lap. Diana straddles me with her arms wrapped around my neck, while I place my hands on her sides.

"Good morning" She smiles at me, and I can't help but smile back. Diana has a contagious smile, and I don't think she even realises it.

"Morning," I say back, before leaning forward and placing my lips to hers.

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