Chapter 4

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Diana POV

What the fuck do I do?

It is Monday morning, my first day of my new job, and I was told to go to floor sixty. Now I'm at floor sixty, and there isn't a soul in sight.

There's a desk with no one behind it and two big wooden doors straight ahead.

Now, I'm not an idiot.

I know that Alexander- I mean Mr.Hendrix is behind those doors. But I don't know if I'm supposed to wait or go inside.

What if he's on another floor and on his way? He'll be pissed if he sees me inside his office when he's not there.

But what if he's there and doesn't realise I'm here yet? He mabey lost track of time.

What time is it?


My shift officially starts in three minutes. I don't want him to think I'm late. I need this month to go perfect,  or else I'm jobless.

Fuck it.

I walk across the open room to the two large doors and knock on them.

I regret everything.

"Come in" I hear him shout from inside, and I let out a sigh of relief knowing I did the right thing. I open the doors and walk in to see him sitting at a desk in front of me.

He's typing something on his laptop, while I stand there not knowing what to do.

"Just a minute, Ms.Brook" He tells me, and I nod.

I take this time to look around his office.

In front of the two large doors was his desk, then behind him, instead of a wall, there was a huge glass window which looked out across the city.

Holy shit we're up very high right now.

To the right side of the room were four filing cabinets, while to the left of the room, there was a couch, a small coffee table and a minibar. There was also a white door, which I'm assuming is a bathroom.

And that was it. There was no decoration, or paintings hung in the plain white walls. Only the basic furniture that was required in an office.

"I was wondering when you'd build up the courage to come in" He sighs as he stands up from behind his desk.

"What?" I mumble, although I already knew what he was referring to.

"I have cameras that show the outside of my office. You were standing outside the elevator for exactly twelve minutes" He tells me, and I feel my face heat up with embarrassment.

"And why didn't you come out and tell me what to do?" I ask, unable to stop myself. "Because I wanted to see how long it would take you to knock on my door," Alexander tells me as he steps out from his desk.

"You couldn't have just saved me the trouble?" I ask, and I catch sight of the small smile on his face as he walks in front of his desk. "Where's the fun in that?" He asks, and I roll my eyes.

"Rule number one, Ms.Brook. Never roll your eyes at me" Alexander tells me, and I nod sheepishly.

He leans against the front of his desk, his hands gripping the desk on either side of him to hold himself up.

"The business world is a nasty place, Ms.Brook. You have to be confident or else they'll eat you alive. Don't wait and see what they tell you to do. Do it, and tell them to accept it. It may seem harsh at first, but you'll get used to it eventually" Alexander tells me, and I nod.

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