Chapter 26

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Diana's POV

"Holy shit" Casey mumbles as he stares at the fucking mansion we're driving towards, while I stare with wide eyes, also trying to concentrate on not crash the car.

I dont really know what I was expecting. Alex and his family are billionaires. Of course they would have a massive house.

Alex had originally invited us over on Christmas day, and like I said I would, I talked to Casey about it.

He said it was fine, but I was quick to catch the slight look of disappointment in his eyes that he, of course, tried to hide from me.

I wasn't that surprised. Its been just me and Casey for the past few years. The holidays were always tough for us, but we got used to it. Together. We made our own traditions, different from the ones we had growing up with our dad. Casey agreed but I knew it was only because he was trying to make me happy.

Typical Casey.

Knowing he'd just feel guilty if I told him I knew he didnt want to, I told him later that day that I would rather spend Christmas here. He played it cool, as usual, but I caught glimse of the big smile on his face that he tried to hide by turning his back to me, and I knew I made the right choice.

Alex understood completely, and instead we opt for the day after; Saint Stevens days. Aka. Today.

After three minutes of driving up their long ass driveway, we finally reach the house. I park, but make no move to leave.

"You're nervous" Casey states, and I sigh before nodding, slumping back into the drivers seat.

"Dont be" Casey tells me before getting out of the car. I roll my eyes and get out quickly after.

"Weren't you nervous meeting Amara's family?" I ask as we walk across the gravel towards the front doors. "Yes. But I did it anyways" He tells me and I chuckle. "How'd it go?" I ask and he snorts.

"Horribly" Casey smiles before ringing the doorbell. "Good luck" He grins, and I slap his arm causing him to laugh just as the two large black doors open revealing Alex.

"Hey" I smile as I step in, Casey following behind. Alex wraps an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close and kissing my temple. I smile at him as he steps back and closes the doors.

"Merry Christmas" I tell him and he smiles. "You too". He turns to Casey. "Merry Christmas Casey" Alex smiles.

Casey nods his head, shooting Alex a tight liped smile. "Merry Christmas" He mumbles.


Mason and Casey never bothered to greet eachother, or acknowledge eachothers presence. So compared to that, Ive noticed Casey and Alex seem to be getting on quite well.

"Will I take your jacket?" Alex asks, and I smile and take it off, since its roasting in here.

I dont know how Casey isn't dying. He's wearing light blue jeans and a plain black jumper, as well as his simple silver chain that he always seems to have on. Yet doesnt seem to be bothered by the heat.

I suppose that is normal. Casey always seems to be cold. He's always wearing hoodies or jumpers, regarless of the weather. I havent seen him in a t-shirt in years.

Alex takes my jacket, and walks over to a small closet and places it in. He closes it, turns around and smiles.

"Everyone's in the kitchen" He tells us. He walks past us, taking my hand in his on the way, and leads us to the kitchen.

There's an older women stiring a pot over by the oven, and two men I recognise from the day at the office standing my the counter talking. I see another man I haven't seen before sitting at the kitchen table, smiling at two little girls who look no older than seven.

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