Chapter 3

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Diana's POV

Is there a problem here?" A familiar voice asks, and I look up to see Alexander staring down at me.

"No, not at all Mr.Hendrix" Timothy says, and I freeze.


Mr.Hendrix as in fucking Hendrix.CO?!


I made a joke to the CEO of this company that they couldn't afford stairs!

Please let me evaporate into thin air.

"I wasn't talking to you," Alexander says to Timothy, his voice sounding colder than the night in the elevator.

"I'll ask again Ms.Brook, is there a problem here?" Alexander asks me, and I feel his eyes on me as I stare at his chest, not wanting to look this intimidating man in the eye. He could literally fire me if he thinks my breath smells bad.

Feeling done with today, and this interview, I decided to lie and file the complaint tomorrow.

"No, sir. I was just leaving" I answer, and it goes quiet. "Leave" He orders, but I somehow knew he wasn't talking to me. I would leave if it wasn't for the fact he was blocking the doorway.

I hear footsteps walking up behind me, and Timothy walks past me. Alexander takes a step to the side, creating space for him to leave.

I decide to test my luck, and I try to walk out as well behind Timothy.

"Not you, Ms Brook," Alexander tells me, and for some reason, I stop.

I know if I run, or just simply keep walking, he won't go chasing after me. Yet, I still find myself walking back into the meeting room.

"I'd like to take over the interview," Alexander tells me as I hear the door close once again. He walks past me and takes a seat at the head of the table, and I sit back down in my original seat beside him.

"In my company, I want all my staff to feel safe. So if something happens, I want to know about it. So I'll ask one last time, was there a problem?" He asks. Like before I feel his eyes on me, but I continue to stare at the empty seat in front of me.

"He asked some inappropriate questions, sir" I answer quietly, and I see him nod in the corner of my eyes. I look over and see him staring at the table while taping his finger against the arm of the chair.

"Would you mind telling me what he asked you, Ms.Brook?" Alexander asked, moving his gaze from the table onto me.

"I'd rather not sir" I mumble, and he nods his head again. "On a scale from one to ten, how inappropriate were these questions?" He asks, and I take a minute to think.

"Seven" I answer.

"Thank you for telling me. I'll take care of it. And I apologise for what happened here today. I can assure you that he won't bother you again" Alexander tells me, and I shoot him a smile.

"Thank you, sir," I say.

"Now let's put that incident behind us, and move on with the interview," Alexander says as he picks up the clipboard Timothy left. I watch as his eyes scan through the paper until they look up and meet mine.

"What made you go for this job interview, Ms.Brooks?" He asked. "I've been looking to switch jobs for a while now. This seemed like the perfect opportunity" I tell him.

"And why did you want to switch jobs?" Alexander questioned, as he looked back down at the clipboard, and I stare at the chair in front while I sigh.

"Because if I have to work with those level six assholes for any longer, I'll go insane" I mutter, then I remember who I'm talking to.

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