Chapter 7

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Diana's POV

I'm driving over to Mason's house, where I'm going to meet his friend for the first time.

Our relationship is quite new. We've only been together three months, so we're only getting to the stage where we introduce each other to friends now.

Lucky for him, I have no friends for him to meet.

All the people I'd been friends with during high school either moved away or we stopped talking.

And during college, I just made no friends.

Same with work. There were only two other women who worked on floor six, and they were both in their sixties. And all the guys were absolute assholes so no chance of making friends there.

As sad as it may be, Casey is my best friend.

And Mason's already met him.

It's around eight o'clock when I park outside Mason's apartment.

As horrible and mean as it may sound, I despise his apartment.

I like keeping things clean and organised.

Mason does not.

The inside of his apartment is gloomy because half the lightbulbs don't work, there's dust everywhere. In the kitchen, there are always dishes in the sink, and he lives off takeout. He literally doesn't even own a frying pan or a pot.

His living room smells like feet and sweat. The couches have food stains all over them, while the cushions on the couches are ripped and he hasn't washed the covers in years.

There are crumbs everywhere because he doesn't own a Hoover or a sweeping brush. And don't get me started on his bedroom.

Piles of dirty laundry are everywhere. Before I met him, he hadn't changed his bed sheets ever. He said he didn't know you had to.

There are spiderwebs in the corners, socks everywhere scattered across the floor and the wallpaper is peeling.

And I don't even want to think about the horrible state of his bathroom.

I get out of my car before walking to the front door and ringing the doorbell. The door opens a few seconds later, revealing Mason.

"Diana! You're here. I missed you" He grins as he places a soft kiss on my lips. I kiss him back but pull away from the taste of garlic off his breath.

"You saw me a few days ago" I chuckle as he pulls me inside, and shrugs. "Still," He tells me, and I smile.

"I can't wait for you to meet Jackson" Mason grins as he pulls me down the hall towards the living room. When we walk in, I see a man with blond hair sitting on the couch, his eyes glued to the football match that's playing on the TV.

"Jackson, this is Diana. The girl I was telling you about" Mason says, and the guy turns to look at me. He looks me up and down, before turning to Mason and grinning.

"Wow" Jackson chuckles, and I stand there awkwardly while Mason nods.

"Nice to meet you" I nod, turning his attention back to me. "You too" He grins. Mason then sits down beside his friend, and I sit alone on the other couch.

Jackson whispers something to Mason, causing him to chuckle and nod.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I take it out to see I got a text from Casey.


If you need me to come save you just text me.

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