Chapter 38

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Diana's POV

Typing up a response to the email I was sent by some buisness women, I stop when I see Alex walking out of his office and heading over to me.

"Need something?" I ask, smiling as he pulls my wheeled desk chair back away from my desk. "You" He mumbles, standing infront of me, before leaning down and kissing my lips.

I smile, cupping his cheek before pulling him away a few seconds later. "You have work" I remind him.

"I'd rather fuck you" He sighs, and I laugh at his bluntness. "Do your work" I tell him. He steps back, and takes a seat on my desk. "Move" I say, since he's blocking my computer.

He raises an eyebrow. "No" He answers. I sigh. "I dont know how this company is still running if the boss is more focused on sex than work" I tease him.

"Well before I didn't have you. You know how hard it is to focus knowing you're sitting right outside my office looking all hot and sexy?" Alex says, and I laugh, hoping it distracts him from noticing my slight blush.

He sighs, leaning back on his hands.
"What are you doing tonight?" Alex asks, changing the topic of conversation. I look up at him. "Nothing. Casey is staying at a friends house. Which is probably code for Amara's house. Should I of let him go?" I ask, starting to question weither it was a good choice.

Alex chuckles. "He's fine" He tells me. I sigh, nodding my head. "I have to pick up some shopping" I frown. "I hate shopping".

I groan, leaning my head against his chest. He laughs, wrapping his arms aorund me.

"Why dont you come over afterwords?" Alex suggests. I smile, pulling back. "If I'm not too busy" I shrug, and he lets out a breathless laugh. "Not too busy? What? Do I have to make it worth your while?" He asks, and I smile, shrugging my shoulders again. He laughs, as do I.

"I'll be over by seven" I tell him, and he smiles, before pecking my lips.

"Now get back to work boss" I tell him, stepping away causing him to groan. I laugh at the scowl on his face, and he glares at me playfully.


I knock twice on the doors, before stepping back, waiting patiently for someone to answer.

A women opens the doors, one I've never met before. "Welcome Ms.Brooks" She smiles at me.

"Oh-..Hello. I dont believe we've met before" I say. "I'm Katharine. One of the few maids here" She tells me. I smile, holding out my hand.

"Lovely to meet you" I tell her while she shakes my hand. She beckons me inside. I step in, and she closes the door behind me.

"I must get back to work now" Katherine smiles at me one last time, before walking away.

I stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

Would it be rude of me to just go straight to Alex's room? What if someone see's me and thinks I just let myself in?

"Diana, nice to see you again". I turn, seeing Jay and his two daughters, Alora and Becca, sitting in the living room on one of the big couches.

"Hello Jay" I greet. "Alex is up in his room. Do you remember where-"

"We'll show her!" Alora shouts, jumping off the couch. And in a matter of seconds they're infront of me, dragging me by the hands towards the stairs.

I turn back to Jay, seeing him laughing in amusement. "Goodbye" He tells me, and I shoot him a smile just as we begin going up the stairs.

They 'drag' me up, and thankfully lead me to his room, since all the doors look the same.

They stop, turning to face me. "This is his room" Becca tells me, pointing to the closed door.

I go to say thank you, but am too slow since they're running off past me, back towards the stairs.

I wish I had their energy.

I knock on the door, not wanting to barge in incase he's changing. Although I doubt he'd care too much.

A few seconds later when there's no repsonse, I slowly open the door, and I hear the shower on. Stepping inside, I close the door behind me.

I take off my shoes and my jacket, placing them neatly on the ground against his wall. I walk over to his bed, lying down on my stomach in the middle of it. His bed is extremely comfortable.

Taking out my phone, I sit up on my elbows while I scroll on Instagram, waiting for him to come out.

The shower turns off, and a few minutes later I hear the bathroom door open. I dont bother turning, knowing he'll come over anyways.

I hear the sound of the door lock, and I roll my eyes playfully, fighting back a laugh.

The bed dips, and I feel hands on my shoulders. Alex begins to massage my upper back. I sigh, turning off my phone and placing it somewhere on the bed.

"That feels nice" I mumble, and he hums before rolling me over. I smile, looking up at Alex while he hovers over me. His hair is visibly damp, and he's only wearing a pair of grey sweats.

"You look nice" He whispers, wiping some hair from my face while I chuckle. "I'm not wearing anything special" I tell him. Seriously. Just jeans and a shirt.

He hums. "You dont have to be wearing something special to look nice" Alex says, and I smile. "You're too kind" I tell him, patting his cheek while he rolls his eyes playfully.

He leans down, placing a kiss to my forehead gently. "So what do you want to do?" I ask him while he rolls to the side, lying beside me on his back.

"Honestly? Fall asleep" He mumbles, rubbing his eyes with his hand. I laugh. "Honestly? Same. I cant quite remember when I turned so old" I joke, and he shakes his head.

"Dont say that. Im older than you. You're indirectly insulting me" Alex tells me, and I grin while moving closer to him, resting my head on his chest. He wraps an arm around me.

"Let's not tell anyone we're debating falling asleep at seven pm" I mumble, while stifling back a yawn. "Agreed. My family while use it as insult material for the next year. I can already hear the grandpa jokes" He whispers, and I chuckle.

This is nice. Yes, some may see it as a waste to come over, just to fall asleep straight away. But I dont care, neither of us do. I enjoy any time together, wether we're awake or not.

Alex's hand that's rested on my lower back, suddenly slips under my shirt, all the way up to the back of my bra, which he unclips.

"What are you doing?" I ask, amused. Instead of answering, he rolls us over suddenly, until I'm lying on my back with him above.

"This doesn't look like sleeping" I bite back my laugh when Alex pulls my shirt over my head.

"Got a better idea" He whispers as he buries his face in my neck, and I laugh, running my hand through the back of his hair as I let him do as he pleases.

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