She's everything.

Start from the beginning

I sigh, thank god it would suck if my love and one of my best friends wouldn't get along.
"I've seen the two of you interact today and I haven't seen you like this in, well I don't think I've ever seen you like this." He smiles. "I don't know about you, but she seems totally crazy about you. So I guess I can only be happy for you."

"Thanks I really appreciate that, it would suck if you and her wouldn't get along, because you are one of my best friends and I plan to spend the rest of my life with her. So you kinda have to be friends." I look up to the deck where I can see a small part of the bathroom window.
I wouldn't mind being in that tub with her, but she somehow knows what I need even if I don't know it.
"Dan are you still with us?" Michael asks me, pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah I hear you, or at least I do now. What did you say?" I really have to pay attention to them.

"My god man, did she give you some love potion or something? Who are you and what have you done with Daniel?" Blake laughs.
"No not that I know off at least. I don't know Blake, I've never felt like this before and I never thought I would." I run my hand through my hair. "The other day she asked me to answer her phone when one of her friends called and she was making dinner. After that I wanted to see her Spotify list to see what kind of music she had in there. So I looked it up on my own phone and I've been listening to it while I was running."
I take a sip of my drink, before I continue.

"It's like a mix of everything on that list it's crazy, but there's some good music in there. So I heard this country song and I didn't know it, but the lyrics just explained pretty much exactly how I feel about her. Wait I'll put it on."

The guys listen to the lyrics and all I can think of is how well this song fits her.

Skylars POV:
After a while I get bored from lying in the bath so I decide to get out. I wrap myself up in a towel and walk to the bedroom. The door is open there and I hear the boys talking. I decide to go on the deck, I love the evening air on my damp skin. I hear Blake ask Daniel if I've given him a love potion and I chuckle. But then Daniel says something I can't really hear, but I do catch some words and it sounds like he has a song that explains his feelings for me.
Wondering which song it could be I wait before I go inside to get dressed.
When I hear the song he puts on I can't help but to get emotional.

This is the sweetest thing anybody ever said about me, or let a song speak for him. This man who always seems like such a joker and people might think he can never be serious, but I've gotten to know the sweet and romantic side of him. And it just makes me love him more and more every day.
I still can't believe how lucky I am when I walk back inside to get dressed.
Suddenly I hear my phone buzzing, I check who it is and I see Lewis his name on my screen.
He gave me his number when we were in Italy, but I have no idea why he is calling me right now.

"Lewis? Hi what's up?" I answer the phone, put it on speaker and in the mean time I put some clothes on.
"Hey kiddo, I'm good and you?" I roll my eyes, really, kiddo again.
"I'm fine, but you really gotta stop calling me that. I'm not a teenager anymore." I'm dressed now so I pick up my phone to take it off speaker.
"I'll try, anyways I wanted to ask you something. Mercedes is going to host a dinner and they want you to sing in between courses."

For a second I'm too stunned to speak.
"Sky? You there?" Lewis asks.
"Yeah I'm sorry what did you just say?" I found my voice again.
"Next Wednesday, in Miami, my team is hosting a dinner party for some rich and famous people and sponsors. And they want you to sing in between courses. It's movie soundtrack themed, so you'd have to select soundtracks. That is if you want to do it."
"ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MIND!" I yell through the phone. "There's no way I can do that. I'm not a professional, you can't expect me to do something like that and not let everybody down." I protest.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now