Destination unknown.

Start from the beginning

"First would you please call me Skylar?" I suggest, "second I would really appreciate a bottle of water."
"After 2 years he still won't call me Daniel. So good luck with that." Daniel whispers in my ear.
"Please? I really would like it if you call me by my first name." I look at Adam with a pleading look and I can see him thinking about it.
"Well, alright then, but I don't really think that's appropriate." He tries to change my mind.
"Why not? I'm just Skylar and we will see a lot of each other, so we might as well start on first name base right away ok Adam?" I stick out my hand to shake his and I can see his doubt fade away.
"Ok fine, Skylar, I'll get you your water." He shakes my hand. "Anything for you Mr. Ricciardo?" The look on Daniels face is priceless.

"So she just asks and you call her by her first name and I've been telling you to do the same for me and you won't? I'm also just Daniel you know." Daniel shakes his head.
"I guess it's just my natural charme babe." I can't help myself, but the look on Daniels face makes me burst into laughter.
"Here I was, thinking I was the most charming person here, but you just had to top me didn't you?" He pokes my side and I squeak.
"Sorry sir, but I just can't." Adam goes behind the curtain and comes back with 2 bottles of water and a plate of different cheeses and some crackers.

"Breakfast will be served in a few hours. I suggest you try to sleep a bit, it will be a long flight." Adam leaves us again and we sit down to snack a bit.
Daniel shows me that we can turn the chairs into something that is practically a bed, he just puts down the arm rest in between us and the back part of the chair can go flat.
Adam brings us some pillows and blankets and we cuddle up against each other.
It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep feeling completely safe and relaxed in Daniels arms.

I have no idea how long I've slept, but I wake up from the sun shining in my face.
I'm still holding on to Daniel and half on top of him.
"Hey sleepyhead, you're finally awake." I hear him say with a soft voice.
"How long have you been awake?" I ask him when I sit up.
"A while, but you were sleeping so peacefully, I didn't want to move, because I was afraid you would wake up. I might have taken a picture though." He looks like a kid who has done something bad.
"Oh really, I'm not like drooling or something right?" I ask him.
"No you looked really pretty, as you always do." He puts a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What time is it?" I ask when we put the chairs back in their original position.
"Around 10 in the morning. We're making good progress as well." He calls for Adam because he can actually hear my stomach rumble.
"Ah Miss... I mean Skylar, I hope you slept well. I'm sure you are both hungry, so I will bring breakfast out for you two." Adam quickly makes his way back behind the curtain.
"I can't believe you actually got him to call you by your first name. I mean he's not even into girls, but still you charm him so that he gives in." Daniel shakes his head.
"What can I say, it's a gift." I stick out my tongue.

Before I know it Daniel presses his lips on mine, his tongue gently pushes against my lips so I open them. Our tongues find each other in a sensual dance.
He has one hand in my neck so I can't move away. Not that I want to, because kissing him is something I could do all day, every day.
"Soooo we've got some good stuff here... oh I'm so sorry." Adam comes back with a cart filled with way too much for the both of us.
"Doesn't matter, this looks amazing, but it's a lot. Have you eaten yet yourself?" I ask Adam after checking what is on the cart.
"Whatever is left we can put in doggy bags. No problem." He replies. "And yes I ate."

He leaves us to it and we enjoy an amazing breakfast.
Then we decide to watch Captain America as I've been wanting to watch all the Marvel movies in chronological order.
We've been flying over an ocean for a long time. And as I don't know where we are going I don't know which ocean it is. But now we are flying over land, I just have no clue what country or part of the world we are flying over.
But I guess I will find out soon enough. After the movie I really have to get up and move around a bit.
Daniel teaches me his stretching exercises so we both do those.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now