"I'll let you know tomorrow when I get back, I'm not sure yet." He answers while wandering through my home. "I really love this place. It just breathes you everywhere. You can redecorate our apartment as well if you want."
"But that's your apartment, I like how it is there. Although it could use a bit of a female touch." I show him around so he knows where to find everything.
"It's ours now, you're officially moving in remember. And if you feel like a guest we can find something else together. I don't want you to think you are a guest. It's your place now as well." We reach the bedroom and he lets himself fall on the bed.
"Ooh I can definitely sleep here."

"I think I can get used to the apartment as ours. It will just take some time. We really don't have to find anything else. Lando, Max and Michael are in the same building and I like that as well." I tell him as I let myself fall on the bed besides him.
"Do you want to take a shower and then head to bed or maybe watch some tv before we go to sleep?" I ask him.

"A shower sounds good, as long as you join me and I would like to sit on the couch with you and watch a bit of tv." He answers and so I get up and grab his hands to pull him on his feet as well.
"Come on. It's not as big as yours, but we will fit in there together." In my bathroom there's so much less space than in his it's funny.
Crazy how quickly I got used to his place. Or should I say our place.
"When I get back from the MTC tomorrow do you think we can go for dinner with your friends? I haven't had the chance to be properly introduced to them. And I have to show them I am good for you." He suggests when we step into the shower.
"I would like that and I'm sure they will as well, but they are going to interrogate you. Just to prepare you." I laugh and start soaping up Daniels body.

He closes his eyes and just enjoys my hands sliding over him. I move to his back and start massaging his shoulders a bit. I know he has people that look after him after a race and well pretty much every day, but I just want to take care of him as well.
"Thanks my love, your hands feel really nice on me." He says and I can feel him relaxing under my hands. "Really baby, I just don't understand why you choose to be with me. My life is so crazy and you just jumped in and went along with it. I don't know why you would want to be with me." I'm absolutely stunned hearing him saying this. So I go back to his front so I can look him in the eyes.

"Are you crazy? You are the most genuine, kind, funny man I've ever met. You are sweet and loving. And don't forget incredibly handsome. What's not to love about you?" I really don't understand how he can think he doesn't deserve the love I have for him.
"Maybe it's intuition, but some things you just don't question. Like in your eyes I see my future in an instant. And there it goes, I think I found my best friend.
There's just no rhyme or reason. Only the sense of completion. And in your eyes
I see the missing pieces I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home"

"Did you just quote a song?" He asks jokingly, but I do see the words moved him.
"Yeah I did. I knew I loved you before I met you, but they just explain exactly what I feel when I'm with you." I stroke his cheek. "You are my best friend and I can actually see our future in your eyes. Please believe me, you have my heart because I love you more than life itself." He pulls me against him in a tight embrace while the warm water keeps running over us.

"I can't even put into words how much I love you. But you have the power to destroy me if you ever stopped loving me." He says and when he looks at me I can tell his eyes are watering a bit. And not because of the shower.
"I won't. And that works both ways. I don't care what happens to me. As long as I know you love me I'll be fine." He gives me a tender kiss and we both poor our love for each other in it.
Then he starts to soap me up and when we're both done we get out of the shower. We decide to watch tv in bed, because it's getting late and we are both really tired after today. We barely touch our pillows before we fall asleep holding on to each other.

The next morning we take our time waking up I can feel his hand run over my back underneath the shirt I borrowed from him again. It always sends shivers down my spine, but good shivers. My face is buried in his neck and I give him soft kisses underneath his ear.
Without speaking I put one leg over his hip and I push him in his back. I lie on top of him and I start kissing him. Our tongues play a slow game of catch while my fingers run through his hair.
He's got his hands under the shirt and they travel up over my back and down where he puts his hands on my ass.
"God I love that sexy ass of yours." He groans against my lips.

I can feel he's hard as a rock under me and I sit up to take the shirt off. His hands are all over me, from my hips, along my sides and eventually he fits my breasts in his hands. When his thumbs caress my nipples I bite my lip and my sweet spot contracts with pleasure. I start moving my hips so he slides through my folds and I can tell how wet I am already.
Every time I move my hips he rubs against my clit which feels so amazing. I wanted to take my time, but now I just need him inside me. So I change my position a bit and with one hand in between us I lead him to where I want him. As I lower myself he fills me up. When I look at Daniels face I can see him biting his lip and he groans when he's inside me completely.

"Don't bite your lip or I'll do it." I say, giving his own words back to him.
"Go ahead." He dares me so I bend over to him to kiss him and then I gently take his bottom lip between my teeth and pull on it. Not too hard because I don't want to hurt him, but just enough.
"Baby you drive me crazy, but in such a good way that I don't mind." He sighs when I let go of his lip.
"That goes both ways honey badger." I lean back and support myself with my hands on his thighs. In this position I start to ride him while he holds on to my hips.
"I will never get enough of this view." The way he looks at me makes me feel like the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Even though I find that hard to believe.

This position gives me so much intense feelings that for me my orgasm just hits me like a tidal wave and he has to hold on to me because of the intensity. He flips me over so he is in between my legs in top of me and I wrap my legs around his waist. He starts pounding inside me even before I have recovered from my climax. It's like the waves keep coming and it won't stop because he keeps going. When I feel he's getting closer to his climax he actually rubs his thumb over my clit which causes my orgasm to flood me again. I lose control over my body and he lowers himself on top of me because I can't stop moving.
He follows after me almost instantly and I can finally catch my breath as my body slowly stops shocking and shaking.

"Holy mother of something that was intense wasn't it?" He asks me with a proud look on his face.
"Yeah." Is al I can reply, I'm still out of breath and I don't think my brain function has fully been restored yet. He lowers himself on top of me and gives me a sweet and tender kiss.
"So what are your plans for today?" He asks me.
"What? I don't know." I take a deep breath, I really have to pull myself together. "No wait I do know, I'm meeting Jen en Bri later and I'm going to hand in my resignation at my work."

He has the audacity to laugh when he sees me struggle to get my brain function back.
"I'm sorry baby, are you ok?"
I push him off me pretending to be mad at him, "yeah I am, there was just no more blood flow to my head."
"When do you have to leave? Do you have time for breakfast?" I ask him when I sit up on the edge of my bed. Jeez my legs are shaky. I don't know if I can get up yet.
"I have time for breakfast." He replies and bursts into laughter when he sees me struggle.
"Don't you dare laugh." But to be honest I'm laughing at myself as well. I finally gather the strength to get up, but my legs are really shaky.
"Come on baby lets get some food in you. That should help a bit." He gets up without any problems. "Damn you high performance athlete. I really have to talk to Michael to work on my leg muscles more." We both laugh and then get dressed.

After breakfast he heads out to go to the MTC and I go to talk to my boss.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now