"The weather on the mountain can change quickly, so we will go a little faster, okay?"

We raised the speed some more and ascended the mountain range.

The Snow Darumas that appeared during this period were easily killed with fire magic.

I thought that the two of them would be okay with Swaying Bear there, but it would be troublesome if they got attacked.

"This is simply…"


It seemed that before meeting me, the two of them always hid or changed routes when encountering monsters.

Well, a Snow Daruma couldn’t be killed by normal attacks, so defeating it was impossible for normal people.

After moving for a while, we arrived at the other side of the mountain.

We could see the blue sea spreading out in the distance.

Oh, it’s the sea that I saw in my dreams.

If I descend this snowy mountain, the sea is waiting for me.

The Kraken was waiting there too, though.

If the Kraken hadn’t been there, it would have been the best…

Even though we could see the sea from here, it didn’t mean that it was close.

We could see it, but how far was it?

It should be around the same distance as going down from the top of Mount Fuji, I think?

Of course, a hikikomori like me had never gone to the top of Mount Fuji. Even if I tried, I didn’t think I would be able to reach the top with the strength of a hikikomori.

The bears descended the mountain.

The two who were on Swaying Bear were somewhat noisy since a while ago.

They were saying something like “Stop!” or “Too fast!” or “We will die!”.

Well, we were going down the mountain, so there was nothing we could do about it.

Was this how it felt to ride the roller coaster I saw on TV? I couldn’t really tell, because I never rode one.

Some hours passed and we arrived at the base of the mountain.

"Are the two of you alright?"

"Yes, somehow."

"I…I’m fine."

The two stopped screaming midway and did their best to hold on to Swaying Bear.

"Still, thinking about how much time it took us to climb this mountain, it makes me sad."

After descending the mountain, around halfway to the city, we climbed down from the bears and started walking.

The reason was that I didn’t want to cause an uproar.

At dusk, we finally arrived at the city.

"We really returned in just one day."

The two were muttering something like “What was the point of our hardships…”

As we arrived near the town, we felt a salty breeze blowing.

We could feel that we were coming closer to the sea. I say this, but even in Japan, I never went to the sea.

Still, I went there in the game.

It was a sea packed with monsters, though…

As we approached the city, we saw the city guards standing by the gates.

kuma Kuma Kuma BearKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat