"The potatoes were delicious. I didn’t know that the poison was in the eyes."

I brought them out during the taste testing, and since it was really popular, we decided that it would be sold in the shop.

Well, you wouldn’t die from the poison.

The problem was the distribution.

After the taste test, I was really worried about the stockpile of potatoes and cheese.

"The hamburger was really good, too. I didn’t know that putting the bread made by mother together with cheese, meat, and vegetables would be this good."

"I am a little worried about the stock of cheese, you see. Depending on the sales rate, it is possible that we won’t have enough of it…"

A lot of cheese was used for the pizza.

"Where did you buy the cheese?"

"I bought it from a grandpa who was selling it in the capital."

"In the capital? Then…"

"There isn’t a problem. I asked him where his village was, so when we start running out, I will go buy some."

"And the potatoes?"

"They normally arrive next month, but if it isn’t in time, I will have to go and buy them myself."

"I hope clients will come, that’s all."

"That will depend on everyone’s efforts."

The shop’s opening was planned to be two days after the signboard was finished.

The signboard was supposed to be finished in three days, so the shop would open in five days.

Everyone’s uniforms, except for Morin-san’s, would be prepared for that day as well.

The next day, Tirumina-san and Fina came to help with the shop.

When they saw the bear figurines I made yesterday, they froze.

"Big Sis Yuna…W…W…What are those!?"

"They are bears. Everyone said that I had to make something that is Bear-like, like the Bear House, so I made them. Is it no good?"

"It’s not that! It’s terribly cute!"

Were they shocked because there were no figurines in this world?

When I thought of all the statues I had seen, there were only realistic stone statues.

"They are cute, but if it’s like this, the male customers will have problems entering."

Tirumina-san gave her impressions while looking at the figurines.

She was right.

There would be more male customers asking for pizza and hamburgers.

The girls would be asking for pudding and potato chips.

"Then, do I make a more realistic bear?"

"If you do that, the girls would be the ones having a hard time entering."

"Then, what do I do?"

I knew that the answer wasn’t here.

Therefore, I went to find someone with experience in sales.

I asked Morin-san and her daughter, who were looking at the ingredient stockpile.

"I don’t know. I have never seen a shop this strange in the capital, after all."

kuma Kuma Kuma BearWhere stories live. Discover now