When all three of them woke up and noticed that their time with Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear was over, they made sad expressions.

Why, even Fina?

I had heard about the matter regarding the thieves from Eleanora-san and said my thanks, so I was going to leave the mansion.

"Yuna-chan, you don’t have a house yet, right? It’s fine to stay here until then, you know."

Ah, that’s right. Eleanora-san doesn’t know about the Bear House yet, huh?

"It’s all right. It’s a bit small, but I’ve already built a house."

"That’s a joke, right?"

"I made it using a bit of magic, similar to the magic used to create the flower beds."

"Ha, please don’t lump flower beds and houses together like that. If it was that easy to build a house, then work for carpenter-san would quickly disappear, you know!"

She said while laughing.


The next day, I woke up in the Bear House.

"Big sis Yuna, is it okay?"

"It’s fine."

It seemed like Fina had made a promise to go out together with Noa today.

"Here, I’ve put some money in there, so use it however you want."

I handed over one of the item bags I had received as a reward for capturing the thieves.

"The two of you are going to go to many different places, right? Since it’s Fina, you probably won’t allow yourself to be treated all the time."


"It’s the long-awaited Royal Capital, you know. It would be a waste if you didn’t enjoy yourself. Even with this much, if you’re still worried about the money, then it’s fine if you work harder with the dismantling from now on."

"Since I’m unable to do the dismantling after all," I quietly muttered in my heart.

Now then, since even Fina had left, I decided to go sightseeing in the Royal Capital as well.

Though the stares of the people bothered me, the real point was that I didn’t have the courage to change into casual clothes.

I was afraid that my magic, skills, summons, and everything else would be unusable without the bear clothes.

I thought that if I were attacked or if a dangerous situation were to occur, then, if I was wearing casual clothes, I wouldn’t be able to change.

If I was in the bear clothes, however, then even if I were to be attacked or found myself in a dangerous situation, I would be able to handle it somehow.

Even if Fina found herself in danger, I would be able to rush over immediately.

That is why I decided to endure the gazes and walked around the capital looking like a bear.

Well, the gazes were mostly warm though.

If it was only embarrassment, then it was fine if I just did my best to endure it.

As I was walking around the Royal Capital, I ended up in a large plaza.

Did peddler shops line up here, I wonder?

Quite a number of cloths were spread on the plaza grounds, with various articles lined up on top.

I took my time looking around.

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