"I don't know, I only know Will Buxton and some of the other Skysports guys." I respond.
"Ok, let's call Will, he is kind and I'm sure he will treat you with respect." She grabs her phone and makes the call to Will.
When she finishes the call she turns to me. "Come on let's get you cleaned up and then we are going to meet Will. He promised he would be open minded and give you all the time you need to get your part of the story out."

I want to get up to follow her but Daniel holds me back. "I believe in you, you got this and I love you so much. Do you want me to come with you?"
I give him a warm smile, "I love you too, I'm sure you have a lot to do here, I'll be ok."
"Danny do you want me to go with her?" Michael asks him.
"Would you? I just don't like the idea of you going there alone." Daniel says.
Michael nods.

"Ok so you do what you have to do and I'll see you when I get back. Relax babe, somehow it will be alright." I give him a kiss and then I follow the PR lady and Michael to make sure I don't look like a mess when I talk to Will.

Daniels POV:
I'm fuming, if this guy keeps going I'll kick his ass.
Trying to restrain myself I squeeze the microphone so hard my knuckles turn white.
I feel Max his hand on my arm and he tells me to calm down.
Where is she? I'm scanning the room looking for her. I finally spot her all the way in the back next to Kelly and I see tears streaming down her face. Her eyes are wide open in shock and she seems frozen in her spot.

"I'm leaving." I put down the mic and make my way to the person who needs me more than anything right now. I have to comfort her and make sure she knows I'm there for her.
I don't see anybody around me, I'm only focused on Skylar and getting her out of here.
When I finally reach her I grab her hand and pull her with me. I hear her take a deep breath and she tries to keep up with me.

We quickly make our way to the McLaren garage into a back room. When we get in there I pull her towards me and I can feel her break down in my arms. Her whole body trembles and my shirt gets wet from her tears. Not that I care about that, I just want to take her pain away.
Michael and Laura, my assistant walk in and so does Zak.
He starts to shout and I tell him to shut up.
I take Skylar with me to a chair and pull her onto my lap.

I try to comfort her by stroking her hair and kissing her head. Slowly the room starts to fill up with other members of the team. I ask Sky if I can tell Zak what really happened and she nods. I'm glad I can feel her calm down a bit. She is not shaking as much anymore. Michael hands her some water and tissues. I'm really glad my best friend is there to look after her as well.

You can hear a pin drop when I've finished talking and Zak asks how we are going to fix this.
Skylar buries her face in her hands and apologizes for the mess she caused.
I quickly turn to her, "nothing about this is your fault. We'll think of something."
The PR lady Sandra asks Skylar if she would be ok to talk to somebody to tell her side of the story.
The strong woman that she is, she immediately agrees.
I protest a bit, because I don't want her to be grilled nu al those reporters and especially not that bastard who threw this bullshit story in my face in the first place.

Eventually we agree she will talk to Will Buxton and Sandra makes the call.
Of course he wants to talk to Sky, he would be crazy not to.
I wanted to go with her, but she knows I've got obligations here so Michael offers to go with her so she has somebody she knows there to support her.
We kiss and she heads out with them. I feel sick knowing she has to go through the entire thing again.
The team is waiting for me, so I reluctantly start the meeting with them. I'm not focussed at all, so I don't think I'm much use right now.

Fields of Gold; Daniel Ricciardoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن