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Tom picked me up.  I'm glad that I had some shorts and a tee shirt in my locker at work, since Tom wanted to go for a run.  Tom got there early, and like the other day came in to wait. All of the staff thought Tom was a gentleman, and hot, and really good catch.  That made me kind of sad, because they all thought we were together for real, and I knew Tom was all those things and would make some woman so lucky,

I changed and then came out.  Tom stared. Checking me out. He let out a little moan. He was staring.  I said, "Are you ready" He said, "yeah let's go. I got us water."  I said, 'Thanks." We were running, then we walked.

We walked back to Tom's car.  He said, 'Thanks for the run."  I said, 'I enjoyed it."  He said, 'So could I take you to get a smoothie before I take you to Emma's" I said, 'Sure" We went through the drive thru

Tom was looking kind of pitiful. He was making if I didn't know better a pouty face.  I tried not to laugh. I said, "So do you have plans tonight or just hanging out at home."  He said, "I'll be at home, just going to do a workout in the basement."  I nod. He said, 'you aren't going out tonight, are you?"  I said, "no we are just going to hang out in Emma's room probably talking" He smiled.  He said, 'you going to be talking about me?"  I laugh.  So does he.

Tom said, "where does she live" I told him.  He said, 'I guess we have to go then."  He drove to her house.  He got out and opened my door.  We went up to her door.  He said, "So I guess then this is it huh I mean for tonight" I said, 'yes" He said, "well you are being too nice, you are probably thrilled you won't have to worry about me grabbing you and mauling you in my sleep" He grinned.  I laughed.  I said, 'you should be excited, you won't have to share your bed."  He said, "I don't mind sharing my bed with you Maddie."  He smiled.  I blushed.  We stood there for a few minutes staring at each other.  I said, "Well I should go in" He said, 'yeah you need to get started talking about your boyfriend with your bestie" I laughed.

He said, 'So will I be able to see you tomorrow or" I said, "yes Tom" He smiled.  He said, 'ok then until tomorrow" I smiled.  He said, "Call me if you want."  I said, 'ok" Tom hugged me, and kissed my forehead. A long hug and long kiss.  As usual, my stomach did flip flops, my body tingled, and my skin burned from his touch.  He said, "See ya" He walked to his car, and I watched him drive away, I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

Tom drove home.  He was in a bad mood.  Why was this bothering him so much. He went in and said hi to his parents.  Molly ran to him.  He picked her up. She kissed his cheek.  She said, "Where is Madison" Tom said, "She is at her friend's house" Mia said, "Can we go with you to pick her up" Tom said, "no she is staying there."

Molly said, "What I thought Madison was going to live here with us" Mia said, "I thought so too. This sucks" Tom's mom said, "Mia watch your mouth in front of your sister.  Dinner was ready so she called them to the table.

Even Baylie was crying. Looking for Madison. dinner was quiet. Tom's mom and dad were the only ones talking. Molly and Tom were sad, Mia was disappointed.

Tom's mom and dad were trying get the kids all to talk.  Molly was almost in tears.  She said, Tommy why doesn't Madison want to stay here with us" Mia said, "Did you do something to make her mad" Tom said, "no" Tom's mom said, "Girls leave your brother alone. Madison knows she can stay here, but she is also welcome to stay at her friend's house." Molly cried and said "i wanted her to stay here, she's, my best friend. Does this mean I will never see her again"

Tom said, "no you will see her. don't worry, I will bring her over any time she wants to come." Tom said, "mom I'm not too hungry. I'm going to go downstairs and work out" He got up and left.

Why is this getting to me so bad?  Why do I care whether or not she is at her friend's house? I mean she is my girlfriend, but we aren't married, it's not like we are supposed to be joined at the hip.  I know I'm overreacting; I mean it's like I feel like I lost my entire world. But I didn't lose her. I just am not going to be able to see her, and hold her, smell her hair. I could lay there all day and hold her in my arms and feel total contentment. Total peace. And she is beautiful all the time, but when I first wake up, and watch her still sleeping, she is beautiful. I dread tonight. I won'[t be able to sleep, missing her. Her side of the bed is going to be empty. Makes me feel sick. What is happening to me. I must be coming down with something.