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On the drive over, Mike was asking Emma about that guy, and what did he mean see you tonight are you going out on a date with him.  Emma said, "yes, but I need to text him and cancel for tonight, because it was going to be a double date with Tom and Maddie., but now"

Tom goes downstairs.  His dad said, "Thomas how's Madison" Tom said, "good, I think she's ok thanks to mom."

Tom's mom said, "your dad just filled me in on that bitch Tara and her plan. That girl needs to be stopped Thomas. That is assault. And could have damaging consequences to Madison, who was a victim of an assault.   An unwanted kiss to a girl who was a victim of an assauIt, it's not just a kiss. I'm so upset and so mad. I am going to go with your dad, and make her see that she has to leave Madison alone, or else I'm going to press charges"

They left. Tom went in the kitchen grab some snacks, was headed back upstairs, when the doorbell rang.  Tom went to the door.  it was Mike and Emma.

Tom said, "hey guys" Emma was in tears.  She said, "how's Maddie" He said, "She's ok, better. Seeing you will help."  Mike said, "Brad stopped by and told me what Tara was planning, and I figured Emma should know" Tom said, "Thank you, I was going to call you both and tell you."  Emma said, "Tom you have got to stop Tara. She can't have some guy do this, it would trigger Maddie. You don't understand, a guy kissing her like that" He said, "I know, I got it stopped. I will protect her Emma. In fact, I told my dad and he and my mom are headed to Tara's to make sure she realizes that would be assault, and she would be held responsible."

Tom said, "Emma, she had a flashback, it was bad, but my mom was able to help her talk her down You can go on up and see her they are in my mom's room."  She left.

Tom ran his hands through his hair.  Mike said, "you look like hell" Tom said, "gee thanks."  They laughed.  Tom said, "I was going to call you fill you in, ask you for help"

Mike said, "Tom you know I'll help you."  Tom said, "I got Tara to agree to not do it, and my parents visit will for sure do that, but still, just the thought, I need to make sure she is safe."  Mike said, "I'll get a few of the guys fill them in, we can be her bodyguards if need be."

Tom said, "Thanks I appreciate it."  Mike said, "So Hanson, I realize you just got home, but when were you going to  tell me"  Tom said, "I'm sorry Mike, I was blindsided by Brad, and then Madison had a flashback, and I couldn't help her, mom had to, then I had to call Tara get this stopped, then I  went in to check on Madison, I hadn't gotten around to calling to tell you what Tara was planning"

Mike said, "not that Hanson" Tom scratched back of his neck. He was confused. He said, "ok, then tell you what"  

Mike said, "you are going out on a double date tonight," Tom said, "What" Mike said, "you and Maddie going with Emma and that Rex guy" Tom said, "oh that, well I didn't know that the date was already set, Madison didn't tell me that. So, it's tonight"

Mike said, "yes, so what do you know about this guy."  Tom said, "Mike, I don't know anything about this guy ok. All I know is that some guy has been coming into the store with his sister, and asked Emma out. She was nervous about going out with him, and asked Madison and I to join her, and Madison asked me because she was worried about this guy maybe expecting sex"

Mike said, "So it's what I thought he's a bad guy then. You buy this sister act; you think that is his sister" Tom looked at Mike. He said, "well what do you mean, why would you think it's not his sister."  Mike said, "I don't know maybe he is trying to appear like he's a good guy, you know take his sister to get school clothes."

Tom said, 'I take my sisters to the mall. I'm not trying" he said, "I know, but you have a girlfriend."  

Tom said, "So, why all the questions."  Mike said, "it's just Emma is a great girl, I don't want to see her get hurt."  Tom said, "Why do you think he's a bad guy" Mike said, "he looked like it."  Tom said, "oh you saw him" Mike said, "yes when I got to the store, they said she was on break, then they came back in the store as I was leaving. He just seemed like he's shady. Like too polite."

MY FAKE ROMANCE WITH THE HOTTEST GUY IN SCHOOLजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें