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Tom has been so sweet.  Everyday he gives me a rose. I have told him he doesn't need to do that, but he says he knows but wants to. 

Well my 18th birthday is here.  I've looked forward to being 18 for so long.  To escape my mom, but now I'm just excited to know what Tom's big romantic surprise is for me. I'm guessing that he is going to give it to me for my birthday.  

I was awoken by Tom, Molly, and Mia, of course Baylie with breakfast in bed, and the girls gave me their cards and gifts.  After I got dressed and went downstairs, Margaret gave me her card with a beautiful letter in it thanking me for all I've done for Tom and for her and the girls, and then she gave me her gift. It was a beautiful family heirloom necklace from Tom's dad's grandma. She wanted me to have it.  Made me cry. 

She wanted to know if she could take us all out for dinner, Emma and Mike could come, and so we went to Olive Garden.

Emma gave me her present, it was a new book that I had been wanting, and then also a journal, with like 1000's of pages.  I thanked her and she said, "you don't have any clue why I gave you this do you"  I laughed and said, "no."  She said, "I told you from the start when you and Tom started this."  She looked at Mia and Molly. She said, "I told you when you and Tom started dating, that you two would have the most epic love story, better than any of your books."  I laughed.  I said, "yes you did."  Tom smiled.  He said, "I agree. I'm guessing then Madison, Emma thinks you need to write our story"  I smiled.  I said, "Emma"  She said, "yes, I think it would make a great book. If you write down how you met that day in the vet's office, and tell your love story."  I hugged her.  I said "Thank you, this is the best most perfect gift."    Emma said, "I don't want to put pressure on you, but I'm expecting an epic book girl"  We laughed.

After dinner, Tom wanted to take me out, so the girls went home with Margaret.  Tom said, "you mind if we go to our duck park"  I said, "that would be perfect."  

We sat on the bench.  Tom said, "Rain, you know I can still remember that night, Emma called me telling me she was scared, and I panicked, I felt fear, I mean it was like what our second day, but I already was falling so hard for you, that it terrified me when I thought you were alone and in danger, and I didn't know where you were.  I felt helpless. Baby I never want to feel like that again"    He took my hand and kissed it.

Tom said, "I saved my present for last. I really hope you like it."  I said, "I will love it Tom. Just because it's from you. It doesn't matter what it is. You do know that right."  Tom nodded.  He said, "just another reason why it makes me want to give you gifts, because you don't think you need them"  I said, "I don't Tom"  He said, "Well I want to give them to you, so I guess you're stuck with them"  He grinned.  

He handed me a box.  I opened it.  I said, "Wow so you were nice to me and didn't make it hard to open with heavy tape" Tom laughed.  He said, "I thought about it."  We laughed.

  It was beautiful. I said, "oh Tommy."  Tom said, "By the tears in your eyes, and the look on your face, I'm guessing you like it."  I said, "I love it.  Thank you."  He hugged me.

it was a diamond bracelet.  I said, "Tommy it's so beautiful, but it is so expensive."  He said, "You're worth it."  He grinned.  I said, "Will you put it on me" Tom said, "in a minute. I wanted you to see what I had engraved on it. Underneath."  I looked.  It said, "it had the 2 dates, the date we started our fake dating, and then the date in May when we became a real couple.  I kissed him.

Tom said, "Before we go home, you think I could steal some dances from you"  I said, "of course."  Tom and I were dancing, and kissing.    We finally went home, and I thanked everyone again for giving me the best birthday I've ever had, and it wasn't because of the gifts, but because of them, and how they love me.