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Tom's point of view

I am having a crappy summer. Going through a breakup is tough Actually it's not the breakup that is the hard part.  I mean I didn't love Tara, but I was a good boyfriend, tried to be at least. , which made me feel like crap if I'm being honest.  Because   my parents did not approve of her. Neither did my sisters. And my parents and sisters are everything to me. Tara was not allowed over to the house, well my parents didn't come out and forbid it, but it never went well when she did come over.  No matter how much she tried, how hard she tried my mom didn't like her. And then mom would politely let it be known, then Tara would be hurt, and then would spend the next week all upset and griping about it.  So, it was just best if I kept Tara and my mom away from each other, hence she was not ever over to the house, unless my parents were out of town.  My dad is a cop, and my mom is a lawyer.  They met at a party, they fell in love quick, and were married by the end of the year.  My dad always said when you know you know, and you don't want to waste time, and a chance of losing your love to someone else.

I for sure did not want to end up like my parents. And when I say that I don't mean it in a bad way, or like I'm embarrassed of them.  I actually want to be like my dad. He is and has always been my hero.  I don't know if I will go into law enforcement after college, but I'm strongly considering it, because I want to be like my dad, make him proud of me.  He has always encouraged me to not follow him but do my own thing. I just don't want to be married. I mean I don't want kids, a family, I like my life how it is, I mean that was something Tara and I had in common, she didn't believe in marriage, I couldn't blame her because her dad cheated on her mom with some slut and left after his wife found out about it. Tara was an only child, and close to her dad, so it really hurt her when he left.

Tara was spoiled, her dad always giving her what she wanted, and after he left, he really felt guilty, so that girl was loaded, her dad buying her expensive gifts.  She kind of expected gifts from me, and I didn't really have a lot of money to spend on her, I kind of hated it, cause like a gift that cost me a lot of money hard earned money, and she would just be like is that all you got. Anyway, I cared for her, and the sex was great, so I was happy with her, and the way we were.

I would not care about the breakup; I mean if it had happened under different circumstances that is. I mean I didn't want a marriage, or family, and I had been loyal and tied myself down to 1 girl, and I mean I considered myself to be pretty good looking, I mean not to sound egotistical or arrogant, but I have heard that girls in the school consider me the hottest guy. I knew that there were plenty of other girls, and a normal breakup would have been easier for me to get through.

This wasn't a normal breakup. This was a humiliating embarrassing breakup. The kind of breakup that you just want to like to disappear, never to be seen again. To make matters worse, my parents and sisters practically celebrated, and were partying. I really didn't realize how badly they all hated her. 

Now before you think I'm a jerk, I was loyal, never cheated, never flirted with another girl, even though the girls were willing, and I could have had any girl.  I mean she was rich, she had a rich father, and he doted on her since she was a baby, only child, so of course she was spoiled.  And then when they divorced, it spoiled her even more.  Her mom and dad now hated each other, well I think mainly her mom hated her dad, and treated him so badly, among their friends, trying to embarrass him, so he ended up acting like he hated her. His new wife was half his age, and so Tara's mom always called her his second daughter, which got his new wife all upset.

It was almost like her parents were in competition for who would be the best parent, who would give Tara the most stuff, the best stuff, so her mom and her mom's new husband gave her stuff too. And I mean she got $500.00 clothes, expensive jewelry, for God's sake she got a new Corvette on her birthday. So of course, some little thing that I had saved up money for didn't mean anything to her.  I mean it hurt, but I could see why. It's not her fault she was spoiled, and also, I knew she was hurt, deeply by her parents, and their remarriages, and I really felt bad for her.