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Tom struggled to sleep. He said, this bedroom seems dark and cold, no light in it. I miss her. I miss struggling to sleep, knowing she's in my arms. I miss the way she takes me there. I miss smelling her hair, using her neck as my pillow. I miss watching her sleep. I just miss her. How am I going to survive a breakup. I'm dreading that day, all I can do is pray when the time comes, she won't want to.

In morning, Tom went and knocked on the guest room door.  I said, "Come in" Tom was dressed, he said, 'morning" I said "morning" He said, "I'll see you downstairs."  I said, "ok" I was smiling.  Emma laughed. She said, "Look at that glow."  I said, "What?"  She said, "you are glowing"  i said, 'I am not."  She laughed.  I said, "ok maybe I am, but he is so hot especially in the morning."  She said, "yeah you got a hot man alright. I'm so happy for you." She hugged me.

We went downstairs.  Tom's mom had a big breakfast made. She said, 'Girls, I hope you are hungry." Emma said, "Mrs. Hanson, thank you so much for letting me sleep over."  She said, 'Anytime you are always welcome to stay in the guest room with Madison."  Tom frowned. Emma elbowed me.

Molly wanted us to play with her after breakfast.  Tom was teasing her.  Mia had her friends spend the night. They stared at Tom and watched his every move and laughed.  Which made me laugh.

Tom's mom said she had some work to do in the office, so we did the dishes.  Mia and her friends went upstairs.  Tom said, "Well have fun playing ladies. Mike is coming over and we are going to go down and work out."  Mike came, said hi to Emma and I.

As they were going downstairs, Tom said, "oh hey Emma, can you do me a favor?"  She said, "Sure."  he said, "Talk to your best friend here, and tell her that she absolutely has to go out for track,"  I laughed.  She said, "I've been telling her that for years. She is fast."  Tom said, "yeah more like a rocket. I mean you see her one minute the next she is gone."  I said, 'Tom" He laughed.  he said, "I am not kidding. Did you tell Emma how you were running, and passed me, and didn't see me, I mean of course how could you since you flew by me, like you were shot out of a rocket."  I laughed.  Emma said, 'Oh trust me, I know all about it, trying to chase her down, when she is running. She has almost made me have a heart attack, trying to get up to her." Mike said, 'Madison you need to go out for track, since your man here said he would do track if you do."  I said, '"that would be great what you said Tom. riding the bus with you, and cheering each other on, but no."  Tom said, 'um we could hold hands and walk in between races."  He grinned.  He said, "you say no, but I am going to work on you."  He said, "See ya."  They went downstairs.

We played with Molly. Emma's mom called and wanted to know if she would be able to stay the day with us, as she was wanting to go visit her sister. Emma said sure go on. We went down to watch the guys work out.  They both had their shirts off, and Emma about died seeing Mike, as well as me seeing Tom.  Tom grabbed a towel, wiped off sweat, put it around his neck, and came over to me.

He said, 'So you ladies want to go to eat after we get cleaned up."  I said, "Sounds good."  Tom said, "oh Maddie."  I said, "yeah," He said, "I keep forgetting to ask you, I hope you don't have plans for us next Saturday night."

I said, 'no" I still am floored every time he says us.  He said, 'Good don't make any."  I said, "ok."  He said, "next Saturday is our annual football party" I said, "football party" Tom said, "yeah all of the guys on the team, we have a big party to start the summer training session."  I said, "oh I see. So, all the guys on the team are there."  Ok that is a dumb question, I know. But the word party triggers me.  My mind flashes back to the last party I went to. The one Rob took me to. I stupidly was so excited he asked me to go. I was crushing on him."  Tom said, "yeah we have them throughout the season, but this one to kick off the training is the biggest. It's kind of our last time to you know some guy's drink, but enjoy till the hard workouts, two a days, where you have to puke kicks in."  I said, "Right."  Mike said, "Tom, I'll meet you guys, I need to go home and shower."  Tom said, "So Pizza Shack? Say in an hour."  Mike said, "Sounds good."