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Tom had been having nightmares. He didn't want anyone to know. They were all the same.  His dad getting shot.  I knew Tom was struggling still with his dad's death, and I didn't want to push him to talk about it if he didn't want to.  I asked Emma if she thought I should bring it up, that I'm here for him, if he needs to talk.  She said that might be a good idea.  Don't try and push it, but let him know that you are here for him.

I could tell Tom was not sleeping well. He looked tired in the morning.  And during school. He's lost weight. He looks so thin. Pale in the face. 

I decided I needed to let Tom know I'm always here for him.  I went and knocked on Margaret's door.  She was down in her office.  She said, "Come in" I said, "I'm sorry to bother you."  She said, "it's fine honey."  I said, "it's after midnight but, I just was wanting to know if it's ok if I go in Tom's room just for a minute and check on him."  She said, "yes honey, is something wrong? " I said, "no, I just worry about him. I don't think he's sleeping well, and I just want him to know I'm here for him" She said, "he's struggling."  I said, "yes, and I know he doesn't want to talk about it, and he's trying to be strong. I just worry about him."  She said, "Thank you for being there for him. If I could offer you advice."  I said, "yes please."  She said, "just don't push him to talk. He's so much like his dad. I knew early on with Thomas, not to push him to  talk."  

Tom's door was open. I went in.  I said, "Tommy" He said, "hey Madison are you ok?" I said, " yeah" He turned on the light.  He said, "oh no, what's wrong. Madison?" He got up.  I said, "yes I'm fine."  He said, "don't you know that I can read you, your face, something is wrong. You look scared."  I said, "I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep. I asked your mom if I could come in and talk to you. She's down in her office."  Tom said, "yeah she hardly ever comes out of there at night after the girls go to bed. I think she's sleeping down there."  I said, "Tom, I won't stay and bother you. I just " Tom said, "Come here."  I sat down.

He said, "Madison just say it. I sense you are worried about telling me." I said, 'I am. I don't want to upset you. And I won't push you, or pressure you. I just am so worried about you, and I just want you to know, that I'm here for you. You are my best friend, and you make me feel safe, and I just want to be that for you, if you ever need me."

Tom said, "Thank you. I know that. I appreciate it. You are my best friend too."  I said, 'ok. I'll go" He said, "Madison" I said, "yes."  He said, 'Why are you worried about me."  I said, "Because I can see you're struggling. You're trying so hard to be strong, for the girls, and your mom, and you're not sleeping well. You look thin. I'm sorry, I know you don't want to talk about it. I just don't want you to feel like you are alone. Because you're not. I'm here."  

Tom said, "Thank you."  I said, "night" He said, "Can I have a hug before you go."  I gave him one.  He said, "thanks, see you in the morning."

I was back in my bed.  Tom laid there in his bed. He got up.  He came to my room.  I had my door open.  Tom said, "hey Maddie are you still awake."   I said, "yes Tommy"  He came in.  I turned on the light.

He said, "Sorry to bother you"  I said, "you're not."  He said, "um Rain."  I said, "yes"  He said, "I do think I need to  talk."  I smiled.  I said, "ok, come here."  He sat down. He said, "no you know, it's after midnight. I should let you go to sleep."  He got up and went to the door.  I said, "Tommy please don't go."  He turned and came back. He sat down.  I hugged him.  I said, 'Tommy, please know that you don't need to be strong for me."

He said, "I do need to be strong for you. You're hurting. You finally got a dad Madison. You were so happy to go to the Dad Daughter event, and you spent your whole life without a dad, without a mom even, without a family, and you got my family, and now our family is shattered. It's not the same. You even said yourself you dread coming home."  I nodded.  I said, 'But Tommy, I don't need you to be strong for me. I get that you are trying to hold it together, not fall apart, for your mom, and your sisters to see. I just hate it if you think that you can't show me or share with me."