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We slept late.  Molly came running in, but Tom's mom stopped her, told her we had a really late night, so let us sleep.

I woke up because Tom's phone kept on ringing. I didn't want to take it off the table, but the loud ring tone was disturbing my sleep lol.  I said, "Tom"  He moaned, but was asleep.  I said, 'Good it stopped ringing."  But then it rang again. Honestly, how is Tom sleeping through this.  It might not bother me, but lhe fact that they don't leave a message and keep on calling, just like Brad did last night. What if it's about Tara.

I said, "Hanson wake up"  I nudge his arm.   He said, 'Maddie give me a few more minutes"  I said, "I'd like to, but don't you hear that"  He said, "no"  His phone rang.  I said, "Hanson, don't you hear your phone"  He said, "ignore it Go to sleep."

I said, 'Tommy what if it's important."  He didn't say anything.  I said, "Tom I mean they keep on calling, just like Brad did, what if it's about"  He said, "look and see who it is."  I reached over him and got his phone.

I said, "it's Mike"  Tom said, 'ok let's go to sleep"  He put his arm around me.  I said, 'Tom, what if it's important"  

Tom said, 'fine."  Tom called Mike. He said, "you better have a good reason to wake me up."  Mike said, 'Sorry I didn't know you were still sleeping. I mean it's 11 am" Tom said, 'What it's 11" Mike laughed.  I said, "Tommy oh no, we overslept. I wonder why Molly didn't come in" Tom said, "no don't get up" I laughed.

I got up and left the room.  I went and changed, went downstairs.  Molly said, "maddie you are finally awake"  She ran and hugged me.  I said, 'I'm so sorry sweetie, that I slept so long"  She said, "it's ok, mommy said you were tired."  I said, 'yes."  Tom's dad said, 'been really hard to keep her down here, she wanted to run in and jump on Tom like normal."  We laughed.

Mia said, "come with me, to my room, I want details on the dance, tell me everything" Tom's dad laughed.  Molly said, "can I come please Maddie" I said, "yes of course."  We go to Mia's room.

Tom said, 'What's up" Mike said, "i was just calling to see if things were good with you and Maddie, I mean you do realize you left me hanging, not knowing if you found her, if you fixed things."  Tom said, 'yeah sorry, it was so late, after we talked, but yeah everything is good."

Mike said, "Great, I was a little worried, I mean Maddie was really crying when she ran out of the hospital."  Tom said, "I told Tara that I forgave her, and that I was sorry for letting her down as her boyfriend, and that I was sorry for ruining her homecoming, and she asked if I forgave her, then can we get back together, she hugged me and kissed my cheek, Maddie heard and saw, and thought that I was going to, but I told Tara, no that I love Maddie. Which is true, I do."

Mike said, "I'm glad, so did you talk and then tell Madison how you really feel, and that you don't want to be fake."  Tom said, 'No I couldn't. I mean I'm rethinking telling her."  Mike said, 'Hanson if anything this thing with Tara should make you want to tell her, life can be short and precious, don't waste time."  Tom said, "I know, but it has to be the right time, and I think it'd be a mistake to tell her now. I don't know that she feels the same.  Because honestly I don't know how we could be so far apart in what we were thinking."  Mike said, 'How so" Tom said, "i was getting ready to tell her that I'm in love with her, and the whole time she is thinking I was going to tell her I was ending the deal and taking Tara back. And she was thinking she would be humiliated at school with people laughing at her saying we told you he was using you. I mean Mike where in the hell would she get that idea. It's like crazy."  Mike said, "I don't know."

Tom said, "then with her overhearing Tara, she was so sure that I was going to take her back and humiliate her like that. I mean honestly Mike, maybe our friendship is not where we need it to be. I think that because she's innocent, and I've been with lots of girls, our friendship has to be so tight, the bond so tight, and we must not be there yet, if she thinks I could humiliate her like that."  Mike said, 'yeah, I think you're probably right, you don't want to rush this. What you and Maddie have is pretty special. You want to protect it. But I'm sorry, I know that as long as you keep hiding your true feelings, then you are going to worry and obsess over losing her. I hate that for you. It's like you can't enjoy the time you are spending with her."  Tom said, "I know because in the back of my mind, it's like well one more day gone, one more week gone, one more month gone, two months, before long June will be here.  I've got to tell her before June. And the longer I wait the harder it's going to be."

MY FAKE ROMANCE WITH THE HOTTEST GUY IN SCHOOLTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang