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Tom said, "Madison mom said you are always welcome. So please don't worry."  I cried.  He said to himself damn.  He put his hand on my hand as he drove and squeezed it.  I looked at him, and he smiled.  

We pulled into his driveway.  I said, 'you must think I'm so pathetic. I really hate it that you pity me."  I cried.  He said, "Madison I don't feel like that at all. Yes, I admit I feel bad for you. I can't imagine what your life has been, and It makes me feel guilty" I said, "Guilty why" He said, "Because I maybe could have helped you 2 years ago, this past year, if I would have tried to get to know you" I said, 'Tom you were with Tara. My enemy."  He said, "yes, but I have to admit I was intrigued by you."  I said, "What you were?"  He nodded.  He said, 'yes, maybe because Tara hated you and would not tell me why, but she made it clear to me that she hated you, and that I was to stay away from you, not even speak to you."  I said, "She did" He nodded.  He said, 'Yes so that made me mad her bossing me, so I immediately spoke to you." I said, "you did."  He said, "yes but you kept your head down and ignored me. I sat behind you in class, and I spoke to you, but you ignored me. So, I figured you probably didn't want nothing to do with me because of Tara. Now I wish I would have tried again. I'm sorry."  I said, 'it's not your fault" He said, "But I don't want to be friends with you, because of pity ok, so don't even think that. Now you ready to go inside."  I said, "no I wish I could go to Emma's. I mean I'm just nervous here."  He said, 'why you were ok the other day." I said, 'I was nervous then, but now more so, because just showing up like this, I feel bad."  He said, "Madison you're not just showing up. I insisted ok. Come on."

He took my hand, and we went inside.  His mom and dad were in the living room.  His mom went to speak to me and saw my face and arms.  She said, "Madison honey are you ok" I said, "yes ma'am, I just feel terrible that I just showed up like this. If you want me to leave, I tried to tell Tom not to" She hugged me.  She said, ' you are staying here tonight, and I don't want to hear another word about it. I have the guest room ready for you" I said, 'Thank you."  Tom said, "Madison, you haven't met my dad."  He said, 'Madison it's very nice to finally meet you, my wife, and girls have told me a lot about you, I want to thank you for being so kind to them when Bailey was so sick."  I said, 'I was just doing my job" Tom's mom said, 'No you weren't."

Just then Mia and Molly came downstairs.  Tom's mom said, "Molly you should be asleep."" Molly said, "Madison you're here."  She ran to me and gave me a hug.  Baylie came running after her, and laid on my foot, with her head against my leg.  Whining.   Tom laughed.  He said, "Baylie did your friend come to see you" I petted her.  Molly said, "Madison do you want to go upstairs and play with me."  Mia said, "Molly I don't think" Tom's mom said, "Mia."  She said, " Let's go you can play in my room."  Tom let go of my hand.  He said, 'have fun."  I laughed.  Baylie whined because I stopped petting her, Tom said, "Baylie you better go too" She ran after us.

Tom waited until I was upstairs.  HIs mom said, 'Ok Tom what happened, who did that to her face and arms."  Tom said, "Ok I will tell you everything, but I need you to promise me dad, and you too mom, that this is confidential, and off the record. Madison trusted me, and I don't want to let her down. She is afraid if you file a report, she will end up in foster care. And she said that there are some horror stories in foster homes, where the abuse is worse. Is that true mom?"  His mom said, "Sadly honey it is. I'm working on a case now, a foster kid, was sexually assaulted over and over by a member of the foster family."  Tom said, "Then you can't make this official. Please."  They agreed.

Tom explained what happened, and how my mom has abused me since I was little.  Tom explained about the men, and explained that the guy put his hands on me, caused the bruises, and also asked if his dad could maybe go to that bar, and just have a little chat, off the record, let them know that no charges are filed, but that since Madison is my girlfriend, I will know if she is hurt, or scared, so she needs be left alone."  His dad said, "yes I will pay them a visit. Just get me the name of the bar. I will make it clear the abuse needs to stop, or else there will be trouble."  Tom said, "Thanks Dad."