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I wrote this story for me mainly, but for anyone that has taken the time to read this story or any of my stories I appreciate it so much and thank you/

I wanted to say that if you are not happy with or think it's weird about Tom reading Madison's book, or that it's taking so much time to have them do it, there are a few reasons why I wrote that part. 

I originally didn't have it in my story. But then I decided to change it and put it in.

For one, Efe and Leyla are my favorite couple and my #1 ship, and I just love their story.

Second, I got to thinking instead of it being a tv show, to include it in my story as a book, that Madison could share with Tom.

Tom originally did not want to read this story. He only reads assigned books. But he's fallen in love with Madison and the way when she talked about her book she lit up, gushed over it, and it was something that he could tell made her happy to talk about, so he without thinking said hey let's read it.

He didn't bring it up again, because he was thinking why did I do that.

But Tom feels like he' is never going to have Madison fall in love with him., he feels like he is not good enough, because she's innocent, never even been kissed, and he's been sleeping with girls, and hasn't been in love with any of them. He wants to find a way to connect with her, on a deep level, that will make her fall in love with him.  In reality, she is in love with him, almost from the first day that he came to see her. She has crushed on him since she saw him. But being with him, makes her fall harder each day. But he doesn't know that.

Tom eventually does bring it up, just because he is wanting to find some way to connect with her, and he thinks well it's a cop story, with a bad mob guy, and he's wanted to be a cop since he was 5. So he thinks it won't be that bad, a little awkward reading to her, but still if it helps him get her to fall for him. I mean, he is thinking to himself what 18-year-old boy is going to want to sit and read with a girl. That should impress her. So he kind of has ulterior motives.

But he finds when he starts reading it, that it is a way for him to really see how bad Madison's life has been. He knows she has put herself as Leyla in the book. But in reading it, it's a way for him to actually see how even though Leyla is not real, Madison's life almost mirrors hers, it's one thing for Madison to say things about her life, it's another to be hit with it in the face so to speak as in reading word for word what it's like.

Madison is like Leyla in alcoholic parent, feeling abandoned, never had a boyfriend, always feeling like you are alone, picked on, made fun of, bullied, judged by your parent, judged by fact you don't have money. Tom sees why she connects and relates to Leyla.  And he starts to see that his actions have hurt people.  Even though Tom is a good guy, he wasn't there to stand up to people being bullied because it's not the cool thing to do. His dad is a cop, his friends and class mates shun him because of it, so he wants to kind of prove he's not a goody to shoes so to speak and wants to be the #1 jock. He realizes that words hurt people, that judging people hurts, that making assumptions on people without knowing them, you miss who they really are or can be. And also, even though the girls wanted to be with Tom, they wanted more than just sex, they wanted to really matter to him, a boyfriend, a partner, love.  So he really connects with this book. It makes him think. 

But it's also a point in their relationship where they bond.  It's time they are spending not only reading to each other, but then discussing the book.  It's awkward for both, but it's bonding them. Tom is seeing why Madison is the way she is.  The shy girl who kept her head down at school, hides from people at the lockers, is in her seat before class starts to avoid walking in front of people, hides at lunch. Spills her drink on her when he looks at her.  He is finding the more they spend time with each other, she is coming out of her shell, and this book is a way to have her be more open with Tom, and they can bond over something.

Tom is afraid that they will end up just being friends, and Madison will meet a guy who steals her heart, and he only sees her once a year, and he is trying to stop that from happening, by establishing a strong bond, strong connection to her, hoping that some way she will fall in love with him, regardless of him being with other girls.

Also, the reason I wrote this story, is my first story, I had written that Tom had to join in on Bullying the eventual love of his life.  I changed the girl and name. although there is some similar to Sydney. In that one, I hated having to write Tom as a bully, but I had got the idea for the ending with the reveal, where she kind of goes psycho on him at their 10-year reunion, but I couldn't make him totally a bully so I had it be that he had to do it to try and protect her but she didn't know it.

But the thing is she spent 10 years thinking he did bully her, and that damaged her self-esteem and mental health. And I had so many comments saying it's too bad Tom didn't help her with the bullying. And because I hated making Tom a bully in any way, I came up with this story, where Tom is her hero from the start, He changes her life, from the victim of bullying and shy quiet, protecting her from the start, but she changes his life, because he feels peace and happiness with her, feels good about himself, because she doesn't judge him, and he can be himself and say whatever he feels.   So, I wanted a story where Tom from the start helps defend and protect like the good guy he is, instead of one where he hurts the girl who he eventually falls in love with. So that there isn't that baggage of hurt and pain and rejection, and jealousy with them that Sydney had with Tom.'

Thanks for reading.