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I closed my eyes, and tried to focus, tried to not think about Tom being next to me, being in his arms. But I couldn't.

I said, 'Tommy" He said, 'yeah" I said, 'Sorry I know you're tired."  he said, 'no it's ok." I said, 'I was just thinking since Em is really upset, I want to find a way to cheer her up, and I know that we were going to plan on going out with her and Mike. is that something we can still do?"  Tom said, 'yes how about Saturday" I said, 'That sounds good, I'll check with Emma. She might not be able to leave her mom" He said, 'ok just let me know"

About 20 minutes went by.  Tom said, "hey Madison are you awake"  I said, 'yes"  He said, 'hey did you mean what you said"  I said, 'what did I say, sorry I'm tired"  he said, 'no I'm sorry, the other day, when we were talking, and you said that you would come watch me bowl, It's ok if you were just saying that"  I said, 'oh no I meant it. I'd love to watch you bowl" Tom said, "for real"  i said, 'yes" Tom said, 'wow, I mean most girls don't like to watch bowling. So, you are sure you won't be bored."

I laughed.  I mean that is funny. I would watch Tom Hanson do anything. I said, 'Tom no I will not be bored watching you."  He said, 'Thanks, that's great, because I bowl every Thursday night on a team, with my dad, so do you think you could come tomorrow night and watch me?"  I said, 'yes, I'd love to. That is so cool you bowl with your dad Tommy."  He said, 'yeah, I love it, we sometimes go on bowling tournaments" I said, 'That's cool."  he said, "I can't believe you would want to come watch me. Thank you."  I said, 'Didn't Tara come watch" he laughed.  he said, 'are you kidding and ruin her image being caught in a bowling alley."  I said, 'Tommy the way she treated you makes me so mad."  He said, 'Did you still want me to teach you to bowl?"  i said, 'yeah that would be great, I'd like to learn, but there is a problem" he said, 'What's that?"  i said, 'Tom I don't want people watching me. I will get a gutter ball, everyone will see, and laugh at me, and I try and avoid people" Tom said, 'how about we go on a Sunday morning, there are hardly any people there early" I said, "Sounds good. Thank you" He said, 'Although you know Madison, you're going to have to get over that"

I said, 'over what" He said, 'not wanting people to stare at you" I said, 'right because we are fake dating" He smiled. He said, "Well that too, but you do realize you are going to have a huge crowd watching you when you are winning that medal in your track races."  I said, 'Tom I am not going out for track" he said, "We will see about that, I think you are going to" I laughed.

I said, 'So I bet you are really good at bowling huh" He smiled. He said, 'well I do pretty good."  I said, 'is there any sport you are not a star at, I mean football, you ran track, you played baseball, you wrestled, I'm sure you are great at basketball."  he smiled. He said, "thanks Madison"  I said, 'For what" He said, "you are really sweet, that made me feel good."  I said, 'Tom it's true. You are the best athlete."  He was practically beaming.

I said, "Have you been bowling with your dad since you were little?"  Tom said, "yes he started me on little kid bowling team. I mean I used to go with him every week to watch him, and I wanted to be like him, so I wanted to learn to bowl. Then when I got in high school, he had an opening on his team, and they invited me."  I said, "Awesome Tommy. So does your sisters and mom go to watch?"  he said, "my sisters do, and mom does, except one Thursday every month she has to miss because it's her support group night" I said, "Support group, sorry it's not my business."  Tom said, "it's ok, I thought I told you. My mom was so upset over one of her early cases, about domestic violence, when the victim tried get help, but he got out, and killed her, so she started a safe house, but also she hosts a support group for victims of domestic abuse."  I said, "oh that's so great."  Tom said, "She has all kinds of women that go, I mean some abused in childhood, some by their husbands, some by boyfriends, some um raped. So Madison, if you ever want to go one night to her support group, I can miss bowling and go with you, so you wouldn't be alone" I said, 'Thanks Tom. Maybe someday, I mean just to listen, I could never stand up there and talk."  he said, "Listening might help you."  I said, "probably I just am not ready" Tom said, "yeah I get it, and you know you can talk to me or my mom."  I said, 'Thanks Tommy. You are so."  he said, "Aw man here it comes" I laughed.  I said, "Sweet."  He laughed.