270: The Ghost of Winter - Part Two

Start from the beginning

Stretching and taking deep breaths, Edmund slowly sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing.

Trying to flatten his hair which had decided to stick up on end, he grabbed his cloak and left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

Rubbing at his eyes he made his way down the corridor, creeping around each corner and nodding and smiling at everyone that passed and wished him a good afternoon.

If he knew Peter, he had gone straight to the healers to ask, so that was his first stop, and if he wasn't there, then he was probably with Orious.

He rubbed at his eyes as he walked, but quickly realised this probably wasn't a good idea when he tripped.

In no time he found himself face down on the slippery, marble floor, gasping slightly in pain before groaning. "Idiot." He grumbled to himself.

He froze though when a cold draft passed over him, and he shivered for a second, before it completely disappeared.

"Maybe you're an idiot for wondering around the castle by yourself."

Edmund sighed at his own voide in his head... it was right he guessed, but at the same time he shouldn't have to fear his own home.

After a moment he decided he should probably get up and off the floor, but he didn't get very far before someone grabbed his arms and began dragging him across the floor.

At first he thought perhaps it was Peter, just having a laugh with him... before he looked up...

There was no one there...

He was being dragged across the floor, by no one.

His instincts kicked in, and he quickly began kicking and screaming, hoping beyond hope someone would hear him and rescue him from... nobody.

It was a horrid feeling, being dragged across the floor but what seemed like nobody, and he hated it, praying to Aslan that someone would hear him.

He was so releived when suddenly Peter and Orious burst from a nearby room, both looking beyond concerned.

And when Peter saw his brother, his eyes went wide. "Ed!" He screamed, before dashing off after him.

Once reaching him, he flung himself to the floor and all but on top of his brother, stopping him from going anywhere else until Edmunds arms dropped to the floor above of him, like someone had dropped them, and he took a deep breath.

"Ed?" He whispered, slowly looking up but not daring to move from where he was pinning Edmund to the ground.

Edmund was taking quick, sharp breaths, tears stinging his eyes which he was forcing back, but in all honesty he looked traumatised.

"Ed?" Peter tried again when his brother didn't answer him.

Edmund swallowed hard, and it looked like he pulled himself together, at least, he sat up slowly and glanced down at Peter, who eventually decided to let go and sit in front of him. "Someone - Someone grabbed me." Edmund choked. "Someone was dragging me."

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