Just the two of us.

Începe de la început

Michael looks at me with his mouth open, "fuck mate, you've only known her for a week."
I smile, "doesn't matter, when you know, you know. She's my soulmate. I think for a second.

I have an idea, but I'll keep it to myself for now. I just have to get Kelly involved.

"Ok man that's it for today, go have fun and I'll see you tomorrow morning." We bump fists and go our own way.
I decide to text Kelly on my way back to the room.

'Hey Kelly, I would like to ask your help with something, but you have to keep it a secret from Sky.'

K: 'Ok sure, what do you need me to do?'

'Can you try to find out what kind of ring Skylar likes and what her size is?'

K: 'Are you going to propose already?'

'No not yet, but I just want to be prepared'

K: 'Alright I'll see what I can do tomorrow'

Good that's taken care off.
Lets head inside to see what Skylar has been up to.

Skylars POV:
When the room is tidied up a bit I decide to call my parents to talk for a while. After that I talk to Jenna en Brianna to keep them up to date about how I'm doing. Brianna even asks me if I thought I was going to come home anytime soon.
So I explain that I'm still not sure. I mean if we get the chance to go to LA before the race in Miami, we won't travel to the UK first. But I can imagine Daniel has to go to McLaren again also, so we will be in the UK then.

Jenna asks me when I permanently move in with Daniel if she could stay in my house. We will have to sort that out with my landlord, but I'm sure it won't be a problem. She is practically living there as it is now.
Daniel hasn't officially asked me to move in with him, but the way things are going now, I don't see myself living in the UK fulltime any time soon.

After I update everybody I check my social media. I see I have loads of DM's so I decide to go through them to see if there's anything I need to pay attention to.
There are a few that aren't very nice. Somebody is saying I don't deserve Daniel and I'm only with him for his money.
Stuff like that really doesn't bother me, I knew that there were people who would say things like this.

Other messages say that I better not break his heart or they would make the whole world hate me.
Well ok good luck with that. I love him way too much to be able to break his heart, because that would mean mine would be shattered.
Luckily most people just send really nice things. They are supporting us and just want to see Daniel happy.
I reply to those messages to thank them for their kindness.

After a while I make some hot chocolate with the kettle that we have in our room and they actually have tea, coffee and chocolate powder to make hot chocolate.
I put on some music and go sit on a massive windowsill they have. There are cushions so it's very comfortable and I can look outside. I've always wanted something like this in my own home, I think I would sit in it all the time. I can hardly wait for Daniel to come back so we can go out and have a nice day together.

I'm lost in my own thoughts so I don't even hear Daniel come in until I suddenly feel a warm and familiar hand around mine.

I look up to see Daniel smiling at me. "Hey you're back!" I quickly put away my mug and get up so I can give him a hug.
"Missed me?" He asks while holding me tightly.
"Hmm maybe a little bit." I smile and suddenly he starts to dance with me on the music that is playing.
"I missed you though." He whispers in my ear as our bodies move together on the rhythm of the song.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum