I had snapped the keys out of her hands with a blush.

But I needed Jimin for myself tonight.
Just mine without worrying who might hear.
Just me him and his glorious sound.

I lifted my hand up to my face for what felt for the millionth time and inspected the ring on my finger.
The promise which glittered there like a beautiful dawn after a long, long winter.
And every time, my heart would set out for a moment as the realization hit me again.

Jimin said yes.
We were going to get married.
He was no longer my boyfriend.
He was my fiancé now, and soon to be husband.

It still sounded too unfathomable.
Too good to be true.
But as I looked past the ring to the boy in the middle of Hwasa's messy room, I found him looking back at me, a smile on his face and a shimmer to his eyes, like he felt much the same.

His giggling had stopped and his gaze was open- full of hope and love, it robbed me of my breath again.

"It still feels like a dream," he now whispered, his voice echoing the feeling he was expressing.
I smiled a little.

"What? Didn't expect this?"


"Really? Not even a little?"

Jimin's smiled slipped of his lips and he closed the distance between us, then wrapped his hands around my waist, looking up at me through his lashes, his voice but a low murmur, a little shaky.

"I mean... it's not like I haven't thought about it myself a couple of times. About the future we'd make. But... I really didn't expect you to ask me so soon."

I swallowed thickly but leaned down to hold him a little closer too.

"I was actually gonna wait a little. I wanted to propose after everything with X-EXO and Suho was out of the way."

He murmured his understanding, but still asked:
"What changed your mind?"

"You. Us. I know we haven't been an official couple for that long, but I've been in love with you for years. And I've known it for so long.
That you would be my future.
You. Park Jimin. The love of my life.
No one can compare to you. So there really was no reason for me to wait.
Because no matter what will happen in this war, I am going to marry you."

Jimin shuddered at my words, but those hands around my waist tightened.

"You really are a hopeless romantic, Jungkook-ie."

"Perhaps." I whispered and at my next words, the boy in my arms tensing a little.
"But I need you to really understand this, Jimin. I am going to marry you.
I won't leave you. No matter what happens with X-EXO and Suho.
No matter what we have to do. Do you understand?"

His eyes were wide, vulnerable, but he nodded.
I was relieved and hoped with all my heart, he would forgive me later.
For the choice I made.
The deal I struck with Namjoon.
But now was not the time to think about it.

"So," I purred, and Jimin knew immediately where my mind had gone, a wicked grin finding itself onto his lips.

"So?" He huskily murmured back.

I tightened my hand around his hips and pulled him closer while also lowering my head down to his so we shared a breath.

"Am I not going to get my reward now? I seem to remember a little devil promising me to give me a reward if I would be a good boy today? And?" I breathed, lowering my lips to his ears while lowering my tone even more, so it was hardly more than a growl.
"Haven't I been a good boy today?"

Heal me // A Jikook Trilogy //Where stories live. Discover now