I pick up some clothes for working out. "I think it's actually not a bad idea. I do find it a bit scary, but as long as you are next to me I'm sure it will be ok."
"So what if I put a post on my insta to announce we'll go live today? Maybe after we get back from training?" He puts on his shirt.
"Yeah, let's just do that. And then hopefully things will settle down a bit quicker." I put my hair in a ponytail and fill two bottles with water.
Daniel is typing on his phone. "Shall I say we go live at 11.30?"
"Yep, then maybe we can go swimming afterwards?" I suggest.
"Sounds good to me. We will pack after that. Ok it's posted. Let's go before we are too late and Michael will kick our butts." He smiles.

"He won't kick mine, because I cooked for him yesterday so he already likes me." I stick out my tongue very childish.
"Yeah sure, if I cook for him he will still kick my ass if I'm late." He puts his arm around my waist as we walk out to get to the gym downstairs.
In the elevator my phone is buzzing again. I've got some texts from Charlotte and Kelly about all the posts.
Also Lando, Pierre, Max and George have texted me to say they will be online on insta when we are live to support us and keep an eye out for nasty comments or people with bad intentions.
"That's sweet of them, I'm sure they have plenty of other stuff to do." I show Daniel the messages.
"You stole their hearts as well, everybody is close, because we spend so much time together in a world that not a lot of people will understand. And you showed them what an amazing person you are, so how can they not care about you."
Hearing him say that melts my heart.

We make it downstairs where Michael is waiting for us.
"Well you guys, you definitely caused some mayhem haven't you. Skylar, you are so talented! I saw the videos, you really blew me away." I blush and thank him for the compliment.
"And you are going live I saw. Well I'll be online to keep an eye out for people that might post nasty stuff. So we can make sure they will be blocked."

"That's nice, we've got an entire army looking out for us. I'm really humbled by all the support everybody is showing." I say.
"Don't be, look we love Daniel, he loves you and you love him. So that means you are part of the family now and we love you too. We look out for each other." Michael comes up to me and gives me a warm hug.
"Let's get started. I've got a program set up for you, but if anything is too much, let me know I can adjust. I will help you out, Daniel knows what he has to do."
"Well well, how about that. Don't you steal my girl there mate." Daniel says jokingly.

"Go on dude, get started." Michael laughs and we get started with a warming up.
Mostly the exercises he came up with me are very doable. It's not like I've never done anything before, so I can actually keep up quite well. I definitely feel I'm not where I was before the attack, but with some time I'll get there again.
Michael tells me how to train my abs a bit and let's me try to see if it doesn't hurt too much, when I tell him I'm fine, he heads to Daniel to do some activities with him.
"When you are done with that you can go at the punching bag, do some hitting, maybe kicking, but that might not work just yet." He shouts from across the room.

I first finish my abs and then go to the punching bag. I put on some protection for my hands, because those suckers are a lot heavier than I expected the first time I ever got to use one of them.
I start off quite calmly. Just some punches left and right to get in the rhythm. When I try to kick my scar hurts like hell, it feels like I got stabbed again. I quickly check it, but it's still fine. It's probably the muscles that aren't fully healed.

Suddenly a wave of anger comes over me and I start to go at the bag with everything that I have.
I didn't know I had so much rage in me. It's almost like the bag is Shane and I can finally take out all the pain he caused on him.
I am oblivious at my surroundings and I just keep going. I don't even feel the tears that are pouring out of my eyes.
"You fucking son of a bitch. Making me live in fear for months and then deciding I am not allowed to live without you. You fucking piece of shit. You didn't have the right to hurt me like you did." I don't even realize I'm yelling at the punching bag.

After going at the bag for a couple of minutes my arms are about to fall off and I drop to the ground sobbing. Daniel catches me and holds me tightly as we are both sitting on our knees on the ground. He pulls me on his lap and whispers sweet words. He kisses my head, strokes my hair and just lets me get it all out of my system.
I almost crawl in him as I am bawling my eyes out.
All he does is hold me and he lets me soak his shirt with my tears.
After a while I calm down a bit, I feel somebody handing me a towel to dry my face.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I just got so mad when I wanted to kick the bag and it felt like I got stabbed again." I'm still shaking and my breathing is far from normal.

"Sshhh it's ok, you have every right to be mad. What he did to you was awful and I was amazed at how strong you have been. But I guess it is logical that at some point you have to let it all out." Daniel calms me down.
"Hey Sky, this is a good thing, you can't keep it all inside." Michael also sits down with us.

"I feel a bit embarrassed letting myself go like this. But I have to admit I feel a bit better. I really didn't expect this. I was feeling fine for as far as I knew. But I guess I wasn't.
It just sucks that I will always have that scar to remind me of him." I explain.
"Or you can see the scar as your strength and resilience. You survived this, you were strong and brave enough to fight him. That saved your life. And you can be extremely proud at yourself for that." Daniel looks me in my eyes and I see his pride in his eyes.

"I guess you are right, god I was so good punching that bag like it was him. I feel a lot calmer now. Although my arms feel like they can fall of any minute." I smile a bit but I'm still sniffing a bit.
"Well I think the punching bag doesn't feel too good now. You really showed that thing who's boss." Michael jokes.
The tension breaks as we all start laughing.

"Are you ok to get up baby?" Daniel asks.
I nod, "yeah I think so." I get up from his lap and when we are both on our feet he pulls me against his warm body and I let out a shaky sigh.
"I love you so much Sky, please open up to me if you don't feel ok. I want to help you get through this. That's what I'm here for as well not just for the fun things, but also for the shitty things."

I hold him tightly, "Same for me. I'll support you no matter what and I'll always be there when you need me. I love you so so much. You mean everything to me."
"Guys, let's call it a day. Daniel you're done anyways for today and Sky we can go on next time if you want. Tomorrow morning we will do another work out before we leave for Italy." Michael carefully takes the protecting gloves of my hands.

"Thank you Michael, for everything. You really are an amazing friend." I hug him to show him how much I appreciate his kindness.
"No problem, I'll be on insta in an hour when you go live. I've got both of your backs."
Daniel fistbumps his friend, we grab our water bottles and head back upstairs.

In the elevator I lean against Daniel. I feel drained, but also relieved. I guess I was trying to convince everybody including myself that I was fine and it didn't bother me as much. Letting out my anger actually made me feel better. It's like I've taken a massive step forward in the healing process.
Now we've got to prepare for facing Daniels fans. And also people that say they are fans, but really aren't.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now